Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 1st, 2010

Morning all! Writing in the backyard for the first time this year. Yay!

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@panic Thanks, a simple re-launch (no Opt) seemed to fix it. Now to try remember what my lost “Synchronise Folder” actions were set to do!

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@panic Incidentally, don’t get the wrong impression; I’m sure Transmit 4 is fab; just need to get over the “Argh! Change is bad!” hump :)

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@csoanes Sterling suggestion, sir. Best self-help book I could get her, I think!

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@hayles Yes, I’d want to wait until at least 2075.

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I don’t give myself enough credit for my achievements. On Thursday, I actually bought a perfectly ripe avocado from a supermarket.

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@hayles I, however, will be 102, and probably beyond caring.

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kevcecil Remember to take advantage of canvassing politicians this weekend. They WILL go to Homebase or put up a basic Billy bookcase for you.

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@bananza Let me guess: significantly more than a morning’s worth?

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@caitlinmoran Strikes me there’s probably a market for fashionable foldable sick-bags. Accessories for Real Women.

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@RichNeville No, if you stick all the king-size Rizlas in a multipack together, they end up the same size as a king-size quilt. Try it.

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@RichNeville My humble apologies. I must’ve been thinking of Highland Skins and kilts.

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There seem to be tons of police in Bristol today. They can’t all be here for Kerry McCarthy.

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Enjoying the post- feminism discussion…

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@KaveyF Bow before my mighty powers, for I am the Avocadonator!

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@wshed Free croissants? Why aren’t I on _that_ mailing list?

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Okay. Today I have slept in, gone to a physio appointment, had lunch, and had a power-nap. It may be time to Do Something.

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@KaveyF Yes. If you come within throwing distance and stand still. For lo, I am actually the Avocadodetonator.

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@KaveyF It’s possible that my nomenclature has gone pear-shaped.

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I’m videoing , but can someone record my Twitter feed, too, so I can play them back together? Ta.

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Mmmm! Picturehouse! Crumble! Mmmmm!

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@KaveyF Put The Picturehouse on your list of Bristol restaurants to try, hon. I need to go back there :)

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@bexxi all of mine have some kind of either spellcheck or predictive text that includes kinda-spellcheck.

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@bexxi …though last time I looked, Tweetdeck only had US English, which is one of many reasons I stopped using it.

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