Tidying the lounge. Just found my tweetpad :) http://bit.ly/aoPT2O http://twitpic.com/1ofb26
@tsunimee Heh. Personally, I drive a Mini ;D
@tsunimee …personally I have a soft spot for them, especially the XJS, which is the one at the back. :)
@tsunimee Those are Jaguars. If you’ve been watching all the UK politics you’ll have seen quite a few of them ;).
Overcompensating? http://twitpic.com/1odrvj
@bohemiacademia As in an iPhone app? Birdbrain will do it.
Peruvian folk band. Hah!
@talkie_tim Hey, that’s personal! Oh, hang on.
Hmm. If everything sounds like I’m underwater now, I was probably listening to the Libertines a bit too loud during the jog, wasn’t I?
JustBackFromAJogBooth: http://dailybooth.com/go…
Okay, time for me to finally accept that “jogging” is not defined by sitting in jogging gear listening to Babyshambles and reading Twitter.
@Jorence @twitttles @Treagie You and me both. Well, still going to have cake today, but only after I’ve run 5K to the cafe…
So, do I go for a jog now, or do I go for lunch now and go for a jog later? Hmm.
@Jorence Ha! Healthy.
Bath time! http://twitpic.com/1oajtc
@sowerbyandluff Try just going down in running gear and sneaking into it 10 yards from the end :)