@getrunningapp Hit it again.
Happy birthday @bexxi!
My upside-down photos seem popular. Maybe I should learn to work the camera the other way up; it’d save time in post-processing.
Oooh, a new TLD. And cocococo.co isn’t taken yet. Tempting…
@jukesie Well, yeah. But; cocococo.co! I mean, how cool would the web app you’d have to invent for that be! #domainillneverfuckinguse
ScrivenerApp … join our ‘Scrivener for Windows’ newsletter: http://bit.ly/8fIid3. We *may* have some news sooner rather than later for recipients! ;-)
Also: very tempted by sebastian.co.
@ahnlak Unfortunately, yes. As was my first choice, roco.co.
@ahnlak Unfortunately both that, and my potential decorating firm at artde.co are already gone.
@ahnlak 123-reg have them for pre-order. Which is good news for my music shop, doremefasolati.co.
@BradleyLaw Bits of it. Why, what needs doing?
@BradleyLaw @bertpalmer That’s not easy; you’d need to monitor for iTunes launch. Google “Linked Applications Launcher”; free & works, FWIR.
@shezza_t Blood. It means something’s really wrong. #actuallyihavenoidea
@Dan_Martin It does seem unlikely, doesn’t it?
Oh, hallelujah, Google actually does something new I might like and enjoy for once.
@benjohnbarnes Try search.php?keywords=foo
D’oh. Something tells me that my iPhone didn’t get much of a GPS lock during that last run. http://bit.ly/cTFp4H
@benparkatbjs Hmm. Not quite sure what you need, but maybe try favstar.fm?
@benparkatbjs Ah, okay. Erm. First suggestion: use Instapaper instead. Tweetie for iPhone lets you instapaper something; does the Mac one?
@benparkatbjs Second suggestion, try http://twitter.com/favor… (2,3,4, etc.)
@benparkatbjs In Tweetie for iPhone, it’ll save the text of the tweet, and the username. http://twitpic.com/1p7qti
@benparkatbjs I know what you mean, though. Sometimes I just want to save a link-less tweet. In emergencies, I email it to Instapaper!
@benparkatbjs Maybe all you need is a two-hour appointment with yourself at the weekend to go through all the faves!
@benparkatbjs Every weekend? Heh. This stuff can be a pain to manage, especially if you interest is a lot bigger than your time. :(
Finally got around to reporting some nasty graffiti to the council. Street art, fine, swastikas, NO.
“Wenlock and Mandeville… perfectly match the Olympics logo in terms of tendentious artery-hardening crapness.” http://bit.ly/cQUUur
@benparkatbjs Won’t be long before there’s a TV recorder that records Twitter too and plays it back at the same time :)
My bit of Bristol was looking particularly nice this evening, on the way back from my jog: http://flic.kr/p/83uP2q