@hayles luckily that only applied to one bit that turned out not to be my cup of tea anyway. Also: they have cake. And koftas.
Hmm. So, where do you complain when getsatisfaction.com is down?
Finally getting around to doing some of the stuff I wanted to be doing this weekend. Going to Spike Island open day later, too.
@Jorence I think so. Well, I hope so, seeing as I just arranged to pick up a friend and take her there. We’ll be there around one-ish…
@Jorence Cool. Look out for a couple featuring a bald bloke carrying a 400D with a Big Lens.
Listening to Soma FM on headphones to block out Loud Upstairs Neighbours’ bass-heavy crap.
@sowerbyandluff I hope you sat in the car and ate jam sandwiches, in the true British seaside tradition.
So, my welcome to Spike Island: “Sorry, no photography in this area.”
@hayles Funky artstuff. Spike Island. http://twitpic.com/1kmj7b
@shezza_t hmm. All were respectably and fairly fully dressed. Maybe it was just my visually lucky day.
Oooh. @Jorence just bought some art? Cool! Nice to meet you, too :)
Taking a break at one of the cafes in this maze of art. http://twitpic.com/1knrzf
*prods @KaveyF* The Radio 4 Food Programme just solicited pictures from “happy snappers in love with their food”.
Either my Spring hormones have unexpectedly kicked in, or there is an unreasonably large number of beautiful women in the world today.
I have thrown a few Spike Island photos up in my stream. http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@Jorence Thanks! Very glad I snuck that one before she said not to take photos in that bit :)
So. Delicatessen. Sounds like a good film to watch while I have dinner.
@carocleank Merci!