@mikeotaylor I would, except that they don’t do the routers I was after, and this one from eBuyer should still turn up. Or a replacement.
@zinziii 1.4? *jealous* I love my 1.8. But… Mmm. 1.4…
@majicDave Ah, okay. No inspiration for me today then :)
@hayles Moi?
@kate_day I like “The Cleggaron”.
@zinziii Must be why you always look so sharp :)
@Jorence In my experience, it’ll be in a pocket, or in the USB port of the machine you want to put it in anyway.
@hayles Whipper-strumpet.
A teensy bit more commutergraphy from the day. http://flic.kr/p/81EwRs
@benjohnbarnes No, we should let him in, as long as he carries on making lesbian films. #badumtish #sorry
@ianmcshane Wow! Who are you going to be? Will you fight crime?
Junior Apprentice? Well, I suppose it might answer the question of whether the adults in the normal show were actually _born_ that way.
@hayles I’m sure there are other girls who’d take it the wrong way.
Oh, fuck. Boston Globe’s Big Picture continues its coverage of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill: http://bit.ly/d9VKBq
Neither Belkin nor Parcelforce are in my good books right now.
My boss just sent an email while smirking like he’d just trebuchet’d a cat into a pigeon loft. Hmm.
@mikeotaylor Also, router not actually dead, merely annoying.
@chris_j_hughes I should’ve had it delivered to work. I normally do. Grr.
@ahnlak Since I got a faster box, router interprets me doing multiple simultaneous HTTP requests as an attack. e.g: when I look at Flickr.
@ahnlak And their support sucks.
@ahnlak In the end, I went for a ZyXEL.
@hayles Really? I slept in mine and it was a bit rubbish.
@hayles Can’t remember the last time I did that, apart from going on holiday. Sigh.
@kayliemansfield Oooh, ta. *dresses appropriately*
mrchrisaddison Theresa May is Home Secretary. Typical men, giving a woman a secretarial post.
@bertpalmer I know someone who _has_ one every time David Cameron comes on.
@majicDave I can’t see that pic. Which is a shame, as I’m currently trying to design some buttons.
How many Home Secretaries does it take to change a lightbulb? Two. One to change it, and one to stop and search a photographer.
Mmmmm. Jammy Dodgers. All though I’m suspicious as to how they can be “now more fruity” _and_ “original” at the same time.
Another quick bit of morning #commutergraphy: http://bit.ly/bfmvGw