@Playleimagery Yeah, and it’s still under active development. And it’s gorgeous. Think it may be the right bandwagon for me.
@stillawake Ran past there a couple of hours ago :) http://mattgetsrunning.c…
@talkie_tim For extra value, run 7K around midday first. Makes it even better. Honest.
@RichNeville Hmm. Can’t actually see that photo. But on the assumption that it’s the London Olympics logo, two words: Lisa Simpson.
Okay, the next time it’s going to be 24C at midday, remind me to go running _early_. Nearly died doing 7K just now.
@Jorence Hope you enjoy it. If nothing else, it’s nice and cool in there #helphelpimmelting
@thomasvenables …and it’s better now. Still probably the best vector alternative to Illustrator.
@thomasvenables Inkscape good, but again was rather crashy under many OSX releases. Spent some time reporting bugs to the Mac X11 team…
@Playleimagery I’m Safari on Mac, Firefox on Windows/Linux.
It’s getting increasingly difficult to separate my RSS feeds into “work safe” and “if this pops up on my screen I’ll be fired immediately.”
@Playleimagery I’m using VirtualBox. But only for testing websites in Internet “oh god, it’s annoying” Explorer so far :)
@Playleimagery Think I will probably try to learn Pixelmator. Looks like it’s in, or nearly in, the right place for me.
@Playleimagery Nah. Everything looks so _ugly_ in there! Besides, bet you a tenner the tablet pressure won’t get passed through properly.
@thomasvenables Tried it for years, on Windows LInux and Mac, and it’s always ended up hoovering up my time with technical issues, sadly.
@thomasvenables One of those tools that I love on principle, but spend too much of my time fixing, and not enough time creating stuff with.
@thomasvenables Painfully unstable at times with OSX, plus always an utter pain to get tablet (with pressure sensitivity) working with it.
@Playleimagery Also, it’s been painfully unstable with some OS X releases.
@Playleimagery I really like Gimp, but always have extreme pain getting my Wacom tablet and a mouse to work together sensibly with it.
This screengrab will mean something only to those of you with a taste for the finest films. http://twitpic.com/1qg2ov
@Playleimagery I’ve got Elements, but waited ages for the Mac version to catch up with the PC version, so haven’t really used it much yet.
@stillawake Like I said, lucky. It’s hard to take an unusable photo of a professional model who jumps up and down for you :)
@Playleimagery Ahh, but it’s fiddly. And the colour depth isn’t there, right? Most of the alternatives are awkward in some way.
@stillawake You can get interesting shots if very luckly, though. This is still my most popular photo on Flickr: http://flic.kr/p/5mLVGm
@stillawake If it’s anything like it was next to our office the other day, the pictures will mostly be of very bored people standing around.
Every time I look at buying Photoshop or Illustrator, I think, “or I could get myself a really nice new digital SLR”, and stop looking.
Morning all!
Playing with Pixelmator http://flic.kr/p/84tqSf
@Playleimagery Also, there are more Mac-like alternatives like Pixelmator and Acorn in the same niche on the Mac, so it’s harder to choose.
@bertpalmer Yeah, just my usual Sunday stroll.
@bertpalmer Speedy! If I ever run with you, remind me to tie your laces together first.
@OpinionatedGeek Suit card characters here, in Echofon on a Mac. TweetDeck’s always been crap at character encodings.
Just went through several steps of audio software troubleshooting before realising I’d pulled a jack plug out when moving the printer.
@dottyteakettle Babyshambles album version. Got the chords, got the words, it’s just putting them together with conviction now…
Still learning _Albion_. Disappointing that at my best, I still can’t sing as well as a drug-addled Peter Doherty.
@Jorence Good good. Definitely going back at some point; only had twenty minutes or so before physio appointment yesterday…