Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 7th, 2010

@mattgemmell I’d vote for you if you adopted mauve as your party colour, as then the BBC presenters would run out of impartial colours.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to mattgemmell

@octobrrr Possible the wonderland is real and Vine is CGI?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to scifisunsets

Oooh! My last joke will have broken some Twitter clients. Isn’t character encoding great. Maybe I should’ve said a &nbsp-bar…

via Twitter Web Client

@rbrwr No, life’s been much simpler since I got a keyboard with a -bar.

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@matthew_roach Cool. Say hi to Fran and Kate for me. Haven’t learned anyone else’s names yet!

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Running on coffee, green tea, paracetamol and cake. Going out for more coffee. And cake.

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@matthew_roach …this new-fangled habit only appeared with the typewriter :)

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@matthew_roach It was Twitter that finally encouraged me to let go of my old typewriter double-space habit.

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@Nose_in_a_book @Lillput And also because most modern typographic systems will put a nice amount of spacing after a full stop anyway.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Nose_in_a_book

@stillawake Yeah, but GCHQ probably know the result already :)

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@simonpegg *giggle* At least you didn’t name names.

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My new mug. Seemed a good choice for today.

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@benparkatbjs Surely by definition that can’t be in Bradley Stoke?

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@jacrats I realise LDs will swing either way <— that must be why they’re strong in the south west :)

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@mikedunn Ah, gotcha. Sorry, it gets confusing, and I’m only on my second post-election coffee.

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@mikedunn Or did I misunderstand? Twitter not great for talking about intricacies of voting.

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@mikedunn Erm. All else being equal, If the majority of people in the country had voted for a party, they would have every single seat.

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Aww. Lovely Bristol Ferry Boat people going put of their way to drop me near Baristas. Need coffee.

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@Souterain Oh, OK. Can’t find myself disappointed, personally. Stephen Williams seems a good MP.

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@ahnlak Looks like a not dissimilar situation in France:

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@tsunimee Yup, ours was the GPO (General Post Office.) You may still see “GPO” on manhole covers for the telephone cabling.

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@ahnlak @tsunimee It’s not been privatised, has it? Split up, but I think we still own it. Of course, that may well change now.

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@tsunimee We used to be the same — in fact, they used to run the telephone system, too.

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@hayles I’m just scared of changing things which work 95+% of the time, because so many new systems take so long to get that good.

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Ahem. Sorry, when I say “Post Office”, I mean “Royal Mail”.

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@hayles Only four. And a rice bowl. With an extra for soy sauce and wasabi.

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@hayles If I can avoid it, I’m not trusting my bloody vote to the Post Office. The couldn’t even get the polling card to me.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

Let me know how you do with the MiFi, @sizemore! Keep meaning to call up @3mobilebuzz and see if I can upgrade from a dongle…

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@leigh So, in order of priority, get to a cafe, then shop for a new espresso maker, then start revolution.

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Checking my MP’s Facebook status. How the world has changed.

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…Ooops. Wrong button. What I was going to say was that Bristol was a little island of red and gold in a sea of blue.

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@Souterain What? Did I read a result wrong? What was the Bristol West result?

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Also, have godawful headache and generally feel like crap :(. This is what happens when I go to bed late. Ugh.

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And I wake up with the same Lib Dem MP I had before. Not so sure I want to listen to the news and find out how confused UK is as a whole.

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Right. Got to go out to dinner tomorrow night, work on Saturday, and run 10K on Sunday. I should probably go to bed.

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@hayles Will probably go more Chinese and less sushi next time. Also, will leave more room for array of desserts.

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@hayles Also, if we do that, some fool will want to start a large government IT project to count them, which will go horribly wrong.

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@jbrownridge Believe you can refuse, unless arrested. Don’t know if the arrest would have to be by a real policeman to require that, though.

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@tsunimee The biggest and best of a company’s stores. The flagship is the ship in charge of a fleet of ships.

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@hayles Oof. No. I didn’t. Oof. Oooo. I think I’ll go to bed now.

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In Cosmo, ready for the all-you-can-eat experience :)

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Everyone from Bristol say hi to @hannahnicklin, who’s just arrived for a visit :)

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@hannahnicklin Don’t know that bit too well, I live in t’other direction…

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@dailybooth Hmm. Well, I would, but I’d have to buy a teapot. Incidentally, thanks for getting the RSS feeds working again!

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@CasJam At some point, I must do something with Really.

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Awww. Work got me a good luck card for the Bristol 10K on Sunday :)

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caitlinmoran I’m finding Dimbleby’s marathon FAR more impressive than David Blaine pissing about in that glass egg

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@rbrwr I see lots of whitespace in Echofon, but not in Tweetie.

via Echofon in reply to rbrwr

@rbrwr I get two spaces and one space on this Twitter client.

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