@tweeny4 Ugh. Have fallen back into Bad Caffeine Habit (#goodnameforaband) recently hence am still awake Reading Twitter in bed. Sigh.
I liked the Film Grain mode on the FP8. Seems at least as good on the FP3. http://flic.kr/p/81bmWW
Everyone’s back to zero again? It’s every European finance minister’s wet dream.
safety For an update on today’s follower/following weirdness, please see: http://status.twitter.co…
mrchrisaddison Nick Robinson isn’t clear on the definition of winning an election. No-one won the election. That’s why you’re on telly right now, baldy.
@benjohnbarnes Er. Huh?
@benjohnbarnes iPhone. Birdhouse is for iPhone.
@benjohnbarnes That would be Birdhouse. Tweetie will actually save to Birdhouse for those ones you’re not sure about yet.
So, let me get this right, if blue smoke comes out, we have a new Prime Minister?
Official 10K time is in: 1:09:28. Happy with that!
Ooh. Think I’ll take the lift today rather than the stairs. #owmythighs