Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 4th, 2010

Mmm. Back from awesome massage. Now, dinner.

via Echofon

@stillawake @Jorence Crossing my fingers for you. It says here that anyone who turns up without a race pack has to run in a gorilla costume.

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@Jorence @stillawake Yup, mine arrived on Thursday, I think.

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What’s that you say, @danielpunkass? MarsEdit 3 is out? Grabbing now.…

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We need a new one-syllable word for “No, I do not have a loyalty card, and futher pursuit of this line of enquiry will prove futile.”

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@tsunimee Bollicking buggeration! I’m bloody British!

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Sitting in Boston TeaParty with my lunch and my new haircut.

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Bugger. TextExpander just got stuck during an update. Killed it and relaunched, and now all my snippets are gone.

via Echofon

Okay. Got coffee. Got software. Got gorilla slippers on. Time to work.

via Echofon

@RellyAB I wonder what would’ve happened if we’d chosen the prefix rather than the suffix? Waterbigot has a ring to it…

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Morning all!

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