Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 2009

Oooh, there’s something I can do for the rest of the day — I still haven’t watched Dead Set, from last year…

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@hayles You & me both, sweetie. *sigh* It’s not so bad if you plan to in advance, but I had Stuff To Do. :(

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@ryancarson Also check out “What if the Singularity Does Not Happen?”, — talk by Vernor Vinge for the Long Now. Ace.

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Really think they should have made Christopher Lee a Count.

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Bad: new tax disc didn’t arrive. Good: another disc did. Settling down to watch _Destiny of the Daleks_.

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Headache and most of my grumpiness gone. Now feel like I need a few hours’ sleep, though. Bleh.

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Playing with the Amazon iPhone app where you can take photos of things and they send you Amazon links to buy them. Dangerous.

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It’s just possible I should drive my car more often.

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@hayles never successfully worked that out, apart from “an artwork”.

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Awesome coincidence: bumped into my friend Tara the second after I took that photo, so we did RWA together!

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Hmm. Looks like the first exhibit is outside!

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Right. Royal West of England Academy time. :)

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One for the “weird but funny” file from a bin in Clifton Village.

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Hmm. My neighbours only seem to have two states: “asleep”, and “loud”.

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@bananza ugh. I used to dream about smoking every now and again. Seems to have subsided in last few years.

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Taking the morning off, then off to the RWA Autumn Exhibition preview. Can get a guest in, if anyone’s near Triangle lunchtime-ish?

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Still jonesing for afternoon flapjack, though :(

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Ugh. Had coffee this morning (my first this week) and already I feel like I want to go get another one. Must sleep more.

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@scottejames signed up in the end, but can’t think of any reason to use it.

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@shezza_t bought chocolate eyeballs for the team last night ;)

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@shezza_t our numbers are also low. Lots of good decorations, though, plus the odd costume…

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Morning all! Being lazy today. Changing boats and going all the way to Bristol Bridge so I can grab Baristas coffee on way in :)

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@hayles Heh. And Ted! I love a full-on Ted episode :)

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@benjohnbarnes not bad, not brilliant. Jury still out, will need further testing :)

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@benjohnbarnes not bad, not brilliant. Jury still out, will need further testing :)

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@Narshada Gulp. Currently awaiting my tax disc.

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@hayles Thank you, by the way — currently watching last night’s Scrubs…

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@davidpatrick Anyway. May check it out, but was actually trying spoken word instead of music :)

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@davidpatrick That, my friend, is a slightly disturbing link.

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Might try an experiment tonight: a podcast instead of music.

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Woah, have I got fatter? This running top doesn’t fit so well… Oh. Ah. Yes, it helps if you don’t put them on back-to-front. D’oh.

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@KaveyF this is one of those irregular verbs, isn’t it? I cupcake, you overindulge, he has been thrown out of WeightWatchers…

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Right. Have bought aforementioned flapjack. Am taking it home to have after my run. Willpower FTW!

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@bananza This does appear to be true. Reliably having a good run is the next thing I need to work on :)

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@bexxi But at least you’ll be able to share it with everyone.

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OS X keyboard tip: hold down Option while closing a Finder window, and all the other open Finder windows will close, too.

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@talkie_tim Well, he’s a vampire, dear. There’s likely to be a bit of an age-gap :D

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@Squonk Cool. Bought my own supply on the way home :)

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@girltaristhan I just got one, too. I didn’t click on mine; doesn’t look safe to me…

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@hayles Okay, may have to set up recorder.

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@sjcurrie “Just then”, I meant. Only it looks like a link to a dodgy website in Beijing. Haven’t been hacked, have you?

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@sjcurrie Did you mean to DM me just them?

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@hayles *jealous* Don’t have time for TV right now. Probably don’t have required channel for Scrubs, either. *sigh*

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@KaveyF Heh. I immediately warmed to lead lady. Can’t think why.

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@hayles There should be a phrase for internet gossip-flirts.

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_True Blood_ really does have marvellous characterisation. Liking it lots.

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Mmm. Perhaps philistinic, but red bush tea with milk and sugar is even nicer ;)

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Always good to see a company that recovers gracefully from cock-ups. Anyone can look good when things go right. Well done, Moo!

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Cool. Moo support have been great. New batch of minicards now printing. Have been double-checked by Moo to make sure they’re good.

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@Squonk hrm. Not easily. Full, slightly tobacco-ey smokiness. Interesing.

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Trying redbush tea for the first time. Interesting.

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@WilHarris Mine has certainly fallen on its arse noticeably more than in previous weeks, but that’s only three or four times.

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Right. Back home and feeling bouncy. Quick post-jog stretch and then I’ll figure out what to have for dinner…

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Nipping out to . Catch you all in 5K.

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@talkie_tim I am well past the age where the sandmen would have caught me, you know…

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New Oracle SQL Developer has a box labelled “Ask Tom”. Must be some kind of MySpace tie-in.

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Looking forward to running tonight. Just ate big pastry with chocolate, so pretty much committed to burning it off now!

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@paulahillier Sure it will be lovely while I’m in the office. At least am going out to lunch. :)

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Never mind. Will listen to Speech Debelle while I wait for ferry. Might help.

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Grr. Went to bed nice and early. How come I feel so crap?

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@asic69 in that case, I’d send it back.

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@ahnlak Clearly a timezone where I Get More Pete. Welcome back, dear. Feeling better?

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For those who asked, my Lumix DMC-FP8 initial review is here:

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@benjohnbarnes I know what you mean. Big breakfast + running = pain. :(. Now limit self to half a bowl of cereal max.

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@hayles go with it! At least if you get hired it’ll be by someone with a sense of humour!

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@Narshada Whereas mine have never been through a washing machine, yet the right earbud stopped working today. Maybe I should wash them…

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@rabidbee *sigh* Do double-check the lengths of your text. Can’t believe my Moo cards arrived today with two letters trimmed off the end :(

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@benjohnbarnes But Mozy client (maybe server?) flakiness combining with my ADSL means I can’t back up as fast as I can shoot photos :(

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@benjohnbarnes DropBox is a bit too manual/small for what I need to do. Mozy currently has 242Gb of my files, if that gives you an idea.

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@hayles You may want to work on that before you ask a newsagent if he has any.

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Balls. Did ITV show the second episode of Murderland at the wrong time, or did my PVR box get confused by BST/GMP swap? Grr.

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@hayles I work with a 30something man who still proudly buys 15p Chomp bars. I think you could risk a Nibble.

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Grr. Think I’m going to have to give up on @mozy. Just can’t backup photographs as fast as I can take them :(

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All Welsh websites should have the Welsh-language pages available at

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Thanks, @lovefilm! Looks like I’ll be seeing Harry Brown for free on Monday :)

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Damn. My new Moo cards arrived, but one line of text got truncated. Don’t know if it’s my fault or theirs. Thought I checked…

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Tonight I really am going to have an early night. Cross my heart and hope to sleep.

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Sainsbury’s tiramisu could actually get me pissed.

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@johnfbraun Who needs “safe” code? That’s for wusses.

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The pedaling Christmas tree and the ninja on wheels I just passed should get together and breed one sensibly-lit road user.

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@KaveyF Just be grateful you’re not a SQL trainer…

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@talkie_tim Yeah, I read that on my phone while I was in the toilet :)

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Yet again having trouble typing the word “hospital”. You’d think I’d have gotten better at this by now.

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Ran 6km yesterday, down one pound on the week, yet this morning I feel fat & unfit. What’s that all about, damn it?

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@hayles there are probably many ways I’m worse than you, hon.

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@hayles Didn’t we talk about my pathetic rate of film-watching? I’m rubbish.

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About to watch “Office Space”.

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@zamon I was at the very lovely Watershed Media Centre :)

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May… have… *buzz* overcaffeinated… *hyperventilate*

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In @wshed, awaiting pasta :)

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@shezza_t no, we have fair share of wind. But no rain yet *crosses fingers*

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Can’t quite believe I’m wearing a T-shirt on an open boat. Lovely blast of sunshine we’re having!

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Heading into town for a late lunch.

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Quick blog post about this morning’s jog, with a picture I took of the Avon Gorge

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@KaveyF Shame. Such a lovely camera otherwise. It’s what I’d buy, in that arena. Too heavy for the bumbag when jogging, though!

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@KaveyF Oh. Thought G11 was next in line. Keep hearing that G10 not as good in low light as LX3, but haven’t tried either for myself.

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@KaveyF Anyway, my compact does a good zoom on paper, but at the long end it has to bump up the ISO so much it’s noisy as feck.

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@KaveyF Many people go for the LX3 because of its wide wide end; for me that would maybe make up a bit for a loss of long end.

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Anyway. Just back from a 6K jog up Bridge Valley Road and around the Downs. Feel good.

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@KaveyF …but lo, it doth suck in low light. Although it will capture and has a “high sensivity” lower-res mode that I’ve not played with.

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@KaveyF Many DSLR users I know seem to have ended up with either the LX3 or the Canon G9/10. Will post review of my FP8 today, if lucky…

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@KaveyF Not sure you’re going to get good low light performance out of anything really small and light :( Megapixel war = Teh Suck.

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@KaveyF Heard the LX3 is good for low light. Don’t know if it’s too pricey for you, but held one earlier this week & it felt v. well built.

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@hayles It’s where I buy all my green tea. My work’s about two minutes’ walk from there.

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@ahnlak Unfortunately, that would require enough energy to go out again and get donuts. Don’t think I’ll make it. Will try music instead.

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Earlier, I said I might crash. Here I am, crashing. Ugh. Please may I have some energy, Universe?

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Milkwood: Meryl Streep investigates an accident at a plutonium plant in a small Welsh village.

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@hayles Sorry, all too new for me; latest thing I’ve got is XP :(

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…of course, now Flickr are Yahoo! branded, I! blame! Yahoo! for! the! hiccups! They! seem! an! obvious! cause!

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Hmm. Flickr has the hiccups.

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@hayles Hrm. I alternated waking up with slightly disturbing dreams. Not sure whether I’m rested or not. Will probably find out when I crash

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@Nose_in_a_book cool, ta. May be visiting friend with newborn but if not will def come along!

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Just been served by the poshest young shop assistant evah in Clifton Village. Can only have been there ‘cos hockey was rained off.

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Off to Post Office to see if I can pick up parcel without crossing picket line

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Clint Eastwood saves a president through better diet: In The Line of Fibre

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@rhodri The Bruce Willis one where he couldn’t ever get scared? Unfreakable.

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@Nose_in_a_book Don’t think I can make it… Give himself a bump from me :)

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@hayles Ah, but what about an extra-large Friesian cat *wink* *wink*?

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@KaveyF It’ll be a set of six in a minute. Might buy me a new lens, too…

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@joy_james I find The Go! Team good, has some words but they’re more musical than comprehensible.

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@KaveyF Think you’ve seen almost all of them before, anyway. However, just uploading them to a new f-locked Flickr set.

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Cool. The ferry company have chosen the photos of mine they want to use for postcards, and they should be going to the printer’s soon!

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@hayles So, all the major food groups, then? Salty, hot, and caffeinated?

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@hayles Heh. What did you get instead? Whole chicken? Sour plums? Something less identifiable? So much in that shop I have no idea about!

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@hannahnicklin I can’t think of any reason why they wouldn’t, but I can’t be sure.

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@Jorence The Phantom Menace is one of the few films I wish I’d walked out of early, just to get that bit of my life back.

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RIght. I’m going to try and get some sleep. Night all!

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@tweeny4 Well, the standard solution is Battenberg, but on a Friday night I’d suggest lemon drizzle.

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@tweeny4 Hmm. Have you considered having some cake?

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@hayles Remind me, why were you looking? Car crash syndrome?

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@hayles No, but that seems to be the theme of most of the other pictures.

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@hayles On the plus side, though, their website has the least unpleasant picture of a girl with a pony I’ve ever seen on the internet.

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@hayles Well, for one thing, I imagine it’s full of horses.

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@hayles Whoa there, Silver. Someone’s had too many sugar cubes.

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@hayles ‘ORSEWORLD! (Although only @missmcq will get that one.)

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Right. Taking the evening off, having an early night, and hoping for a better, less tired start to the weekend.

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Hmm. Mention the word “stable” and get followed by a spammy account for an _actual_ stable. As in horses. Twitter is odd.

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@pjakobs I always found that compiling a Linux kernel was the best hardware test in the world, but I guess there are probably better ways!

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@pjakobs I hear you. Always so hard to be sure with stuff like that. XP doing that, I’d think “hardware”, but with a new OS… Good luck!

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@pjakobs I hate problems like that. Guessing it’s a new install on previously stable box, though, so at least you can rule out hardware..?

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@pjakobs As in actual crashes? Thinking of upgrading my home XP to 7 in case I get a new job in a place that uses it at some point.

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Heading home at long last.

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@bananza ugh. It’s a slow Friday afternoon for me. Stop being so disgustingly cheerful, you!

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@shezza_t aww. Hope it cheers up. But not at Bristol’s expense :)

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Ooh! Sunshine! Morning all!

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@hayles Bunnies? In the shower? Testing shampoo, presumably…

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Is it wrong that most of the computing power of my iMac has this week been used for playing Starship Command in a BBC model “B” emulator?

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I’m such a technomasochist. No matter how fast a computer I’m using, I load it to the point where it has problems keeping up with my typing.

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@MrsFellah I have those auto-changed to “low” importance by a rule. It’s never misclassified a mail yet.

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@hayles I did the same thing the other night. Pro: I made it myself. Con: it gave me heartburn :(

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@hayles “Yes; I strangle irritating shop assistant with them. It’s my hobby. What was your name again, dear?”

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I still say it should be “MacBooks Pro”, not “MacBook Pros”.

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Think I’m going to nip out for a pleasant, slow run. Haven’t had a relaxing one for a while.

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@macworld I don’t need them to dissect it, I need them to tell me if I’ll want to throw it through a window a month after I buy it!

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Yes, iPhone, but it mightbe helpful if you told me WHICH item!

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@paulahillier I shall add that to my “stuff not to do” list.

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@benjohnbarnes So concentrate on the Australian market! Spring is in the air…

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@dktom yes, and if you check it it shortens URLs even if your tweet is tiny anyway. I want it only to shorten if tweet exceeds char limit.

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Dammit, wish TweetDeck would only shorten URLs if it needed to.

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On the ferry, watching the ducks go by. Sometimes mornings are nice, if you pay attention.

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And, yet again, I wish for a GUI that closes the window on the display I’m _looking at_, rather than the one that happens to have focus.

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Has the Adobe updater _ever_ successfully updated Camera Raw, on any platform, anywhere?

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@JButtitta Swap it for The Addams Family theme. Catchy enough to override MP and a tribute to Vic Mizzy

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I don’t believe the release of _any_ new OS warrants hourly coverage on Radio 4 news. Is that just because I’m a geek?

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Sweet about the crab that snuck onto the aquarium . Worried that BBC keep mentioning his edibility, though.

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@stevemarvell Heard good things about newer Android handset the other day. (HTC?). Android seems more likely to fit your computing setup.

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@marklesuk @benjohnbarnes temporal faults all over the planet! I blame the LHC!

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Help! I’ve encountered a temporal anomaly! I’ve just noticed I’m wearing my “Thursday” socks.

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Can I go back to bed now?

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@seengee Nope, installed just fine here (v0.31.3) Sorry!

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@seengee There’s a new version? Hang on, I’ll give it a try.

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Grr. Having real problems printing, and it could be so many things wrong that I’m going to get through a lot of expensive paper finding out.

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@benjohnbarnes In this case, it’s the coder. If it wraps around <unknown> times, it’s not a progress bar, it’s an overengineered hourglass.

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Just ordered some Moo cards. Hopefully that will give me the impetus to finish the website they point people at!

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@jacrats Well, you have my sympathy. Grr. This Java installer just wrapped its progress bar back around to 0% for the sixth time *sigh*

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Progress bars should be more honest. “There are seventeen hours remaining. Or maybe three seconds. Who knows? I don’t.”

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