Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 22nd, 2009

@macworld I don’t need them to dissect it, I need them to tell me if I’ll want to throw it through a window a month after I buy it!

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On the ferry, watching the ducks go by. Sometimes mornings are nice, if you pay attention.

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Dammit, wish TweetDeck would only shorten URLs if it needed to.

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@dktom yes, and if you check it it shortens URLs even if your tweet is tiny anyway. I want it only to shorten if tweet exceeds char limit.

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@benjohnbarnes So concentrate on the Australian market! Spring is in the air…

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@paulahillier I shall add that to my “stuff not to do” list.

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Yes, iPhone, but it mightbe helpful if you told me WHICH item!

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@hayles Bunnies? In the shower? Testing shampoo, presumably…

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Think I’m going to nip out for a pleasant, slow run. Haven’t had a relaxing one for a while.

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I still say it should be “MacBooks Pro”, not “MacBook Pros”.

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@hayles “Yes; I strangle irritating shop assistant with them. It’s my hobby. What was your name again, dear?”

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@hayles I did the same thing the other night. Pro: I made it myself. Con: it gave me heartburn :(

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@MrsFellah I have those auto-changed to “low” importance by a rule. It’s never misclassified a mail yet.

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I’m such a technomasochist. No matter how fast a computer I’m using, I load it to the point where it has problems keeping up with my typing.

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Is it wrong that most of the computing power of my iMac has this week been used for playing Starship Command in a BBC model “B” emulator?

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