@WilHarris Mine has certainly fallen on its arse noticeably more than in previous weeks, but that’s only three or four times.
#getrunning Right. Back home and feeling bouncy. Quick post-jog stretch and then I’ll figure out what to have for dinner…
Nipping out to #getrunning. Catch you all in 5K.
@talkie_tim I am well past the age where the sandmen would have caught me, you know…
New Oracle SQL Developer has a box labelled “Ask Tom”. Must be some kind of MySpace tie-in.
Looking forward to running tonight. Just ate big pastry with chocolate, so pretty much committed to burning it off now!
@paulahillier Sure it will be lovely while I’m in the office. At least am going out to lunch. :)
Never mind. Will listen to Speech Debelle while I wait for ferry. Might help.
Grr. Went to bed nice and early. How come I feel so crap? #crotchety
@asic69 in that case, I’d send it back.
@ahnlak Clearly a timezone where I Get More Pete. Welcome back, dear. Feeling better?