@hayles Go to bed, you.
CSI:Miami appears, quite literally, to have lost the plot. Think I may give up watching it.
@ememess Heck, and I didn’t even get offered the $300. I guess my avatar looks cheap.
@technex Well, try not to walk past anything ferrous on the way home.
Just blogged about tonight’s run, including a photo from my shiny new camera (a Lumix FP8): http://bit.ly/4pBMaO
@hayles Mild drizzle is lovely. Far nicer than running in bright sunshine; I don’t overheat!
Huzzah! Survived tonight’s run :) #getrunning
Hmm. Grey, dark and drizzling. Uninspiring running weather, but I can’t let @Lovelybuttons out-run me :) #getrunning
My job would be a lot easier if I could reliably spell the word “hospital”.
@AlasdairStuart Indeed. Yet again, someone appears to have remade something that didn’t need remaking.
Dear Facebook: Continually showing me ads for dating sites featuring pictures of early-20something girls makes me feel old. Please stop it.
@bobscape It’s a torch that you’re only allowed to use in central London.
Grr. When is the Evernote Safari toolbar button going to stop clobbering the 1Password toolbar button? #snowleopard #firstworldproblem
@dressjunkie you can do it! I did! Take it slow and steady. #getrunning