Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 17th, 2009

@mikeotaylor Little event at The Grapes. Might have been part of the West Bristol Art Trail. Not sure.

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@MitchBenn Only insofar as that you should be applied sparingly, and not taken internally, dear.

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Just had lunch with my friend Nicki, who actually did

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Glad of “cancel” button in Echofon. iPhone autocorrected “had ploughmans” to “had ploughman”, a very different way of cheering yourself up.

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Right. Seen poetry, had ploughman’s, now in BTP. Misanthropy mostly dissolved.

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Goodness, I’m feeling misanthropic today. Grr.

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Some spam is so surreal I just end up wondering if I ordered a random I Ching reading when I was drunk.

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Should’ve tagged that last tweet with . Ho hum. Anyway. Off to run around the West Bristol Arts Trail.

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@zen_habits You’ve just forgotten exactly how crappy was the 90% of pop music you ignored when you were a kid.

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@sabotta I might do, if we ever move to 2008. Only just upgraded to 2005…

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@Playleimagery Don’t think so. Always assuming you did say that about twenty minutes ago…

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I have great respect for a 50-year-old man who can still fit into 32”-waist trousers. But not so much if his waist is actually 48” now.

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