Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 26th, 2009

Tonight I really am going to have an early night. Cross my heart and hope to sleep.

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Sainsbury’s tiramisu could actually get me pissed.

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@johnfbraun Who needs “safe” code? That’s for wusses.

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The pedaling Christmas tree and the ninja on wheels I just passed should get together and breed one sensibly-lit road user.

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@KaveyF Just be grateful you’re not a SQL trainer…

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@talkie_tim Yeah, I read that on my phone while I was in the toilet :)

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Yet again having trouble typing the word “hospital”. You’d think I’d have gotten better at this by now.

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Ran 6km yesterday, down one pound on the week, yet this morning I feel fat & unfit. What’s that all about, damn it?

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