Heading into town for a late lunch. http://twitpic.com/mvt0x
@KaveyF Heard the LX3 is good for low light. Don’t know if it’s too pricey for you, but held one earlier this week & it felt v. well built.
@KaveyF Not sure you’re going to get good low light performance out of anything really small and light :( Megapixel war = Teh Suck.
@KaveyF Many DSLR users I know seem to have ended up with either the LX3 or the Canon G9/10. Will post review of my FP8 today, if lucky…
@KaveyF …but lo, it doth suck in low light. Although it will capture and has a “high sensivity” lower-res mode that I’ve not played with.
Anyway. Just back from a 6K jog up Bridge Valley Road and around the Downs. Feel good. #getrunning
@KaveyF Many people go for the LX3 because of its wide wide end; for me that would maybe make up a bit for a loss of long end.
@KaveyF Anyway, my compact does a good zoom on paper, but at the long end it has to bump up the ISO so much it’s noisy as feck.
@KaveyF Oh. Thought G11 was next in line. Keep hearing that G10 not as good in low light as LX3, but haven’t tried either for myself.
@KaveyF Shame. Such a lovely camera otherwise. It’s what I’d buy, in that arena. Too heavy for the bumbag when jogging, though!
Quick blog post about this morning’s jog, with a picture I took of the Avon Gorge http://bit.ly/3N77M1 #getrunning
@hayles there are probably many ways I’m worse than you, hon.
Can’t quite believe I’m wearing a T-shirt on an open boat. Lovely blast of sunshine we’re having!
@shezza_t no, we have fair share of wind. But no rain yet *crosses fingers*
In @wshed, awaiting pasta :)
May… have… *buzz* overcaffeinated… *hyperventilate*
@zamon Oh yes.
@zamon I was at the very lovely Watershed Media Centre :)
About to watch “Office Space”.
@hayles Hopefully I will, too :)
@hayles Didn’t we talk about my pathetic rate of film-watching? I’m rubbish.