Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 24th, 2009

@rhodri The Bruce Willis one where he couldn’t ever get scared? Unfreakable.

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@Jorence The Phantom Menace is one of the few films I wish I’d walked out of early, just to get that bit of my life back.

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@hannahnicklin I can’t think of any reason why they wouldn’t, but I can’t be sure.

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@hayles Heh. What did you get instead? Whole chicken? Sour plums? Something less identifiable? So much in that shop I have no idea about!

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@hayles So, all the major food groups, then? Salty, hot, and caffeinated?

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Cool. The ferry company have chosen the photos of mine they want to use for postcards, and they should be going to the printer’s soon!

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@KaveyF Think you’ve seen almost all of them before, anyway. However, just uploading them to a new f-locked Flickr set.

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@joy_james I find The Go! Team good, has some words but they’re more musical than comprehensible.

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@KaveyF It’ll be a set of six in a minute. Might buy me a new lens, too…

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@hayles Ah, but what about an extra-large Friesian cat *wink* *wink*?

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@Nose_in_a_book Don’t think I can make it… Give himself a bump from me :)

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Clint Eastwood saves a president through better diet: In The Line of Fibre

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Off to Post Office to see if I can pick up parcel without crossing picket line

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Just been served by the poshest young shop assistant evah in Clifton Village. Can only have been there ‘cos hockey was rained off.

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@Nose_in_a_book cool, ta. May be visiting friend with newborn but if not will def come along!

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@hayles Hrm. I alternated waking up with slightly disturbing dreams. Not sure whether I’m rested or not. Will probably find out when I crash

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Hmm. Flickr has the hiccups.

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…of course, now Flickr are Yahoo! branded, I! blame! Yahoo! for! the! hiccups! They! seem! an! obvious! cause!

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@hayles Sorry, all too new for me; latest thing I’ve got is XP :(

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Milkwood: Meryl Streep investigates an accident at a plutonium plant in a small Welsh village.

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Earlier, I said I might crash. Here I am, crashing. Ugh. Please may I have some energy, Universe?

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@ahnlak Unfortunately, that would require enough energy to go out again and get donuts. Don’t think I’ll make it. Will try music instead.

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@hayles It’s where I buy all my green tea. My work’s about two minutes’ walk from there.

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