Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 3rd, 2009

Just about to cook one of my favourite lamb dishes:

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Was just about to swear about Snow Leopard breaking my printing. But it turns out printers show up better in OS X if you plug them in.

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@bananza Good luck, O Brave One. I may do another 5K tomorrow to show solidarity :)

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@jacrats I live with nobody likely to trampoline :)

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Goodness. YouTube is down. That doesn’t happen often.

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@jacrats This one: but in Espresso, which is a dark brown colour almost, but not entirely, unlike actual espresso.

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Finally bought a sofa!

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Musing about which compact camera to buy as my completed-the- reward.

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Gah! The laundry pile is very nearly as tall as I am. Better tackle it before it gains sentience and stuffs *me* into the washer/dryer.

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…and I guess nobody else in the flats wants the Yellow Pages, either. What a waste.

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This week I re-tuned my TV box and installed Snow Leopard. Haven’t noticed any benefits from either.

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