Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 2nd, 2009

Hmm. I just ate too much chocolate.

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@benjohnbarnes thanks! Next, I may have to improve my route options by starting to run up hills :)

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@shezza_t maybe that fancy isn’t idle enough :)

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@KaveyF No, but your idle fancies are more surreal than most, dear ;) did you have a good birthday?

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Just added a slice of carrot cake to my healthy salad lunch. Got to make up for that calorie-burning 5K somehow ;)

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Walking to work, thought, “I fancy a coffee.” Turned corner, found new coffee shop. Opened on Tuesday. All my idle fancies should come true!

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Go on, @hayles, you can make it! I believe in you!

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@hayles Sounds like someone just got well all of a sudden :)

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