Night desk. pic.twitter.com/8ulsS9Ncor
@HammerToe :) Thanks!
@Kavey Might be able to train it, too. Going to leave it there for now and see how it goes.
@Kavey Indeedy. (Also, big one has a picture of the outside of the restaurant on it. Within sight of the outside of the restaurant. Odd.)
Woah. That was the 345th post on cafesigns.tumblr.com :)
📷 Compare and contrast. I know which I prefer. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx1xCS9Nn
Why don’t I use the self-serve checkouts? I prefer to deal with people. If that bothers you, I’ll happily make an exception, in your case.
It seems from the mirror that this Hallowe’en I’ve come as a desperate warning from my future self.
Misfortune 500. #igersbristol instagram.com/p/9gXWxlpCwx/
Analogue location service. instagram.com/p/9gWgCGpC-d/
Hello Autumn. Nice to be in you. #igersbristol instagram.com/p/9gR8cYJC0Q/

FestivalofIdeas The great Tom Gauld on the health-conscious crime writer: pic.twitter.com/TufqsOvpjX
Missed the Bristol Zombie Walk waiting in for @parcelforce, who didn’t turn up. Again. Going out to at least get some daylight.
@leharve80 @Bristolvor Cool! The official Acorn tape deck, too. Extra swish :)

AHappierDay Nope, fuck that pic.twitter.com/Lc0csbgh7O
@Bristolvor Apparently they only work until about 1:30 on a Saturday, so I may be safe to get out of here while there’s still daylight :(
@Bristolvor Indeed. At least people under house arrest might know when their sentence will end, @parcelforce.
Just spent ten minutes on the phone for @parcelforce not to tell me anything more than I already knew about the location of my parcel.
@njj4 That would actually be an improvement on the current service.
Thinking I should probably just assume @parcelforce aren’t coming today and get on with my life.
@chrisphin I’m not married, so I have to take the piss out of myself for refusing to drop the apostrophe in ‘Hallowe’een’!
Still no Parcelforce yet. *sigh*
Half the time of taking a photo indoors is dusting everything and shooting it again once you’ve seen it on a big screen.
@Bristolvor Yur. Family heirloom.

ryantate lol — nailed it, Applepic.twitter.com/yQXnlhjeBuu

Hmm. I really like the way the ivy looks here, but it’s going to get in the way of closing the flap, isn’t it? pic.twitter.com/y7xFTlYpdr
@jakepjohnson Just reminded me of you on a second glance, but I couldn’t really tell one way or the other because of the motion blur!

@jakepjohnson *Squints harder at photo he took* *Looks in your direction* pic.twitter.com/zDPkPPgM7R
Apple Music has hit another one of its unreliable patches for me. *Sighs* *Turns off subscription*
Is there a German compound word for the feeling of not being able to find the right emoji to describe a feeling?
@chubbybannister It’s an average from the two minutes there and the four minutes back.

liz_buckley Sometimes I wonder if I spoil the cat, seeing him with his iPad, in his yurt. pic.twitter.com/45ScY3Rloe
In the long run, I think we might all have preferred to carry on being quietly ripped off by our banks. twitter.com/Kavey/status/6…

davidschneider “What’s your proudest achievement?”
“Speaking for 93 minutes to stop carers getting free parking in hospitals” pic.twitter.com/cRbViU4HsT
This could be bad news for my liver, given that I live three minutes’ walk away from @AdamAndEveBrist…

indiespiritbath Guess what! @SmallBarBristol has a new sister bar and I’m there and its great @AdamAndEveBrist pic.twitter.com/Y20O1CsHt9
@C_J_Fox Excellent! I have to use a Windows box for SQL Server training, but not too often :)
Basically, it’s 8am on Hallowe’en and I already appear to be living my worst nightmare.

Having this kind of morning. While waiting in for Parelforce again. pic.twitter.com/qncAPqeaAj
@charlie_cat_esq Ohh, is it back again? *waves*
Chrisitv we are told Sainsburys has just made a PA announcement telling Barclays cardholders to bring cash instead.
C4Utopia HELP WANTED for #utopia viewer research project. Reward offered. Is The Network behind this? You decide.
@mathowie I’m going as the gradual Americanisation of Myke Hurley’s speech patterns.
@Stagandhounds Cool :) They were doing their best, and I don’t think they quite grasp Bristol Friday night traffic. Yet.
So. No parcel. No card. No phone call. No @parcelforce website, even, it seems. I’m starting to doubt their existence. Or mine.
@Stagandhounds If you’re expecting bunch of French performers in a van, they’ll be a while. Just tried to direct them to you from Hotwells!
@Hello_Im_Nik Sigh. I came home from work specially to wait in for @parcelforce. Now I go back empty-handed.
Just had a text from @parcelforce to tell me a card has been left because I wasn’t in. AS I SIT HERE BY MY FRONT DOOR WAITING.
@chubbybannister Absolutely!

igersBristol Details at #sanctumbristol. Photos by (clockwise from top left) @chubbybannister ‘rosiejam’ @gothick @thehistoryb0y pic.twitter.com/RGLAM1Po5q
@fabulousmrg @BristolLoverUK Ah. Yes, that would certainly explain it. I’ve walked from Temple area, so probably seen the worst bits.

Mind the gap. pic.twitter.com/38gUP7E2CW
Photo: Cafe Signs, the nighttime edition. The Pantry, Park Street, Bristol, with Wills Tower in the… tmblr.co/ZD7hNx1x5bZ8Y

Secondhand camera hunters of Bristol: Sue Ryder on Park Street have an MTL5B kit in the window for £80. pic.twitter.com/CKHtC4PLsm

Walking or cycling definitely the best options heading down Park Street tonight, #bristol #traffic pic.twitter.com/cDRKRUw6Sa
@Kavey *high five back*
Walking home through town for a change. Wow. Is #bristol always gridlocked at this time of night?
Result. instagram.com/p/9bYyJ7pC2w/

*snigger* @BaristasBristol pic.twitter.com/oZYDdGXP6E
Down in Albion #igersbristol instagram.com/p/9bCQlKpC8T/
@chubbybannister *blush*
@stillawake ALIEN BROCCOLI. Romanesco, to be precise.
@shezza_t *Doffs Panama*

Snappity: No Nonsense. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/0jQGXYJmgQ

Sometimes you need a little extra something to spice up a photo. #random #sanctumbristol pic.twitter.com/5mN1lkup4v
Enjoying the light in #sanctumbristol #igersbristol instagram.com/p/9aq0q3pC7i/
*waves at @chubbybannister from car*
@njj4 Though actually, that’s crisp, not AM. Don’t think AM is there.
@njj4 Reckon so.

Sorry, I mean, that really *is* me in the corner. pic.twitter.com/cufVDmg708

My tastes in interior decoration have come quite a long way. pic.twitter.com/uYxCl9lWPG
That’s me in the corner.
dangusset Sanctum Bristol makes me want to come out of live performance retirement sanctumbristol.com/?utm_source=Co… #sanctumbristol
@KinetaHill Yeah, I liked it a lot at the time. Was a good confidence-booster.

Double exposure, St. Andrew’s Churchyard. Shot in 2004, when I started getting into photography. #bristol pic.twitter.com/iupuhm4ssi

It has been an even longer time since I died my hair ginger and went to work for Barking & Dagenham Council. pic.twitter.com/6WFC1ORiAM

Also: Keyboards used to be wider than monitors. No wonder my fellow programmers were so touchy. pic.twitter.com/S7fcycWSjW

And it has been a very long time since I was a smoker. pic.twitter.com/5PqVfxHsHr

Also from the “blast from the past” file: Far and away the silliest car I have ever owned. pic.twitter.com/jh7eTsiChd
EXACTLY. twitter.com/HeathC/status/…

Looking back through old photos. Can you tell why the bedroom was the first room I repainted back in 1999? pic.twitter.com/3flcbw20fg

RellyAB Space bar! pic.twitter.com/m7YIJ8Grp3

Oatmeal haha ok problem solved. the joy of hotlinking! huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/10/27/hav… pic.twitter.com/9gFJhidXrp

WildernessHQ More urban #wilderness… By #MichaelJederson x #nature pic.twitter.com/HwyeoJyt0n

hayles Mardy arse @gothick pic.twitter.com/9wrqY597Au

dave_ja Oh sweet irony pic.twitter.com/slI1fiYw66
@stroughtonsmith I’d buy an iPad if anything. But I haven’t, because I’m not sure I’ll use it and it seems a *lot* of money to find out.

Snappity: The Colonnade. #bristol flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/dV0OKBNgSv
@liveindetail Chuck Norris.

Glad I have a Kindle rather than a paper book this week. #buslife pic.twitter.com/2xYFL355X6
@chubbybannister So I’m not the only one thinking that. I reckon he’ll be amusingly caught in the act by the poacher patrol #timeshifttweets
@LeadHyperion How do they *feel*? Carrots will be soft and floppy long before they turn actively harmful, in my experience.

@ChippHarriers From this morning :) pic.twitter.com/orGtmZDGha

Yurt Lush. pic.twitter.com/CYu8PiNuul

Easy to forget how picturesque the Portway can be when you concentrating on the road..#bristolopic.twitter.com/MzikPwOsvJvJ
@BAndrewsFitness @loft_fitness @janecolman Well done all! I’ve only ever done halves myself :)

@loft_fitness @BAndrewsFitness I may be able to answer that question for you… :pic.twitter.com/cv0Oy1SowIwI

Quick mud shot for @_pigeons_ :) pic.twitter.com/htZXo9Hr7Q

This old lamp post on the disused steamer landing stage in Hotwells always feels slightly… Narnian to mepic.twitter.com/1io4lL4yOpOp

@SouthvilleRC Looking good! pic.twitter.com/5uZfKJZQQC

Yeah, it’s definitely that time of year. pic.twitter.com/zOhaybTnVW

Bristol: “Well, if we’re going to have shipping containers lying around the place, they might as well be pretty.” pic.twitter.com/FGPm2XsxJV

There’s nothing like a rampant, er, cormorant to get you started on a Sunday morning, #Bristol pic.twitter.com/UvJ5jceO9Y

I shall leave the @B_BMarathon runners heading off into the distance. Next stop, a flotilla. bristol2015.co.uk/events/build-a… pic.twitter.com/SpgZGHNXLg

Many people looking more cheery than I would be coming up to mile 8 of the @B_BMarathon! pic.twitter.com/NpxT0DIRxu

Always impressive when you can manage a smile at mile 8, @bristolwestac :) pic.twitter.com/vSIdE17LzA

@B_BMarathon He certainly looked unperturbed by the experience around mile 8..pic.twitter.com/DtJKv2rNdjdj
Telephoto. instagram.com/p/9QZcsmpC7Q/

Well done all you @B_BMarathon runners! Looking strong! pic.twitter.com/5CnIDbV0th
phalguy Plot twist:
Canadians aren’t really sorry.
Yes, Microsoft. Obviously when I delete an email I want it to remain unread so my trash has an annoying unread counter on it.
Floyd Rose. instagram.com/p/9O3qPLJCzS/

jamesevans42 Wanna feel old? This is what Gunther from Friends looks like today. pic.twitter.com/3VszqRpJJG
@Bristolvor Well, you know. Booking at Casa Mia fell through…

.@waiyeehong I think it may be the day to deploy the #pieinacan! pic.twitter.com/Xz6JPWBgEz
@shauninman Dumb question/solution, I know, but have you rebooted? I suspect quitting and restarting Safari may not be enough sometimes.
@shauninman Hrm. Only time I saw that was when I had the Evernote extension installed. And you’ve eliminated DNS. I’m out of ideas.
Left my exam revision to the last minute, as usual. I’m pretty awful at studying.
@shauninman (Come to think of it, the Timelines tab might make that kind of thing more apparent.)
@shauninman See anything suspicious if you turn on the Web Inspector and check out the Network tab?
@shauninman Got any Safari extensions installed?
@KateWritesStuff Cool. Let us know how you get on!
@KateWritesStuff They’ve all upped their game in recent years to combat worries about online fraud, so worth asking.
@KateWritesStuff There still should be. Visa Debit has decent protection; not sure about the others.
@KateWritesStuff Was it on a credit or debit card? Should at least be able to get the money back through your bank.
lukesolomon Open letter to my 11 year old son
Can you put the bins out
This is, indeed, very hypnotic. twitter.com/theloop/status…
Tip: Strip the word “cyber” from a headline to find out how much it really means: bbc.co.uk/news/uk-346227…
I’m not the only one with strange obsessions. TIL the “photos of buoys” group I’m in on Flickr also has a Flipboard flipboard.com/@tporter2/buoy…

BarfootDuggan Woah! @britishlibrary released 1mill #royaltyfree images! #illustration #BritishLibrary flickr.com/photos/british… pic.twitter.com/74VEns812g

StationCDRKelly Hurricane #Patricia looks menacing from @Space_Station. Stay safe below, #Mexico. #YearInSpace pic.twitter.com/6LP2xCYcGD
@seb_ly I’m enjoying the fact that this blog is still here: …resofpeoplescanningqrcodes.tumblr.com

mashable This is what the strongest hurricane ever recorded looks like from space on.mash.to/1S0RjPA pic.twitter.com/XZ7zTeqnXA

@GreatDismal @WordFactoryUK Thanks for the tip! I enjoyed _Moonchild_ so it’s got to be worth a go..pic.twitter.com/Wdokc24HLMLM
Smells like someone’s set fire to a cannabis factory on Whiteladies. #Bristol
@hayles 🤘🕶
@hayles Current status: scrolling back through your timeline now I’ve done a software update to see what those Emoji were…
@drdrang Normal British protocol would be to politely pretend the amazing tail didn’t exist.

Christ’s sake, Apple, I have to get back to work. pic.twitter.com/786zdGyynH
@Kavey Well, it was either that or a joke about a peeping tom…
rem Have new TV (old one lasted 10 years). First it asked me to connect to internet. Now asking to agree to T&Cs! What is this!?!?

pierrekerner My new favourite gif pic.twitter.com/eISLc2WKfM
@kongtomorrow Things must have improved. In v1 it was like yelling “Potato salad! Upholstery!” rather than “Fire!” in a burning building.

archidave Incredible. Hospital waiting area mag 20yrs old!!! pic.twitter.com/iJhZlgWc6s

Cute new redhead seems to have moved in upstairs and won’t stop staring through my windows at me. pic.twitter.com/bia8WLTRg5
danbarker I think these are the worst Back to the Future tweets: twitter.com/Oreo/status/65…
Shops have hit that time of year when the stuff I really want to buy has been edged out by fireworks, plastic pumpkins and chocolate Santas.
@richardjfoster This was my immediate suspicion. Wonder if they do this twice a year, every year?
Does 2am BST even exist on Sunday? #existentialmaintenance

Have Lloyds randomly chosen the most possible confusing time (exactly as the clocks go back) for maintenance? pic.twitter.com/t6GsEVt9KP
arstechnica Researchers find 256 iOS apps that collect users’ personal info arstechnica.com/security/2015/… by @dangoodin001

@Kavey @ahnlak No idea why this made me think of you. pic.twitter.com/wzRGdQqiE9
AlasdairStuart …a pr company tweeting Apprentice themed Back to the Future spaff into my feed. Well, there’s the bottom of the barrel early today
Flickr When a World Metropolis Removed Its Ads: See how São Paolo did just that in this photo essay. #cidadelimpa bit.ly/1QPorZM

@DigitalJonathan If it helps, this is what they look like close up :) pic.twitter.com/io2xMCZbNn
@DigitalJonathan Thanks :) Yes, I like them, too. Extra interest there at the moment with the Bristol Murmuration installation, too!
Gary_Bainbridge I think people who stand in front of the timetable at bus stops are the worst people, apart from me.
Starlings. #bristolmurmuration #igersbristol @ Durdham Down instagram.com/p/9EMrXJpCx-/

Yes, I can quite see how that would take so bloody long, Apple. #functionalhighground pic.twitter.com/a164Av90cV
paulmayne Loving these new arial video screen savers coming to Apple tvOS.

Practising my product photography. pic.twitter.com/hSByyhLvch
@MResponsively Seems good so far, now all I need is a longer commute so I have time to read again!

Third edition. pic.twitter.com/xziYKi5Pl5

Which is turning into Tweetception here. pic.twitter.com/2rNFedh0cz
@benjohnbarnes That is a Really Interesting* diagram of how SQL Server stores table data. Exam next week.
*May not be actually interesting

Learnin’ time. pic.twitter.com/uUEW6td7l4
@imyke I think I may be listening to a new mashup podcast called Hypercortexical… *squints at show notes*
Photo: Freshly-opened Saffron of Clifton Village off to a great signage start here..tmblr.co/ZD7hNx1wThsK-Lr

@sowerbyandluff Saw this and thought of you :) pic.twitter.com/rRaHfN3zXh
Why do so many advanced alien species have the technology to travel faster than light but no CCTV in their prison blocks?
(In the Mac line, that is. Other manufacturers’ displays are available ;) )
TIL (via @_upgradefm): the Denver Broncos’ orange jersey is outside sRGB colour space, so only the new 4K iMac can reproduce it @GreatDismal

Classic texts. pic.twitter.com/60DjGlM5c3
@IanMartin Aww! Stryker’s Run. Played a lot of that, back in the day.
Is editing an existing local brush adjustment broken in latest #Lightroom? Can’t select existing one to edit it…
Photo: Big and bold. And with a sizeable carrot. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx1wOvUUB

Loopy. pic.twitter.com/PWOX44CYTW
@emmafurious Yeah. That nice stall on the way into Tobacco Factory market.
Man. Warm bread pudding from a market stall on an October day.
jessicaplautz Police raided Volkswagen headquarters in France on Friday: wsj.com/articles/polic…

Hazy one today. #Bristol pic.twitter.com/59FSI6WNYQ
Lock wheel. instagram.com/p/8-g3mkJC0q/

Have reached the stage of tidying where everything is worse than when I started. Going for coffee. May be some time. pic.twitter.com/sqWco5FBaJ
TheBristolShop #ABristolMurmuration, an installation by @zoecameronhere is now on the Downs, but only for a week - don’t miss it! thebristolshop.co.uk/blogs/news/523… …
@uliwitness Huh?
This morning I will mostly be putting all these boxes of books back on shelves in the hall while listening to The Archers #thuglife
@griffinkate Hey, it’s even *harder* to move with a woolly mammoth on your lap.

Mornin’ all. pic.twitter.com/d5ym3Xqcqh
Anyone else suddenly think of China Miéville’s _Embassytown_? twitter.com/cox_tom/status…
Weird. YouTube feels like it’s been around for ever. Twitter still feels relatively new. I joined YouTube in 2006, and Twitter in 2007.

TheThomason Halloween stores fill abandoned Blockbusters like a hermit crab taking a shell. Life finds a way. pic.twitter.com/24LuihKptG

@texasdunko Yup, this one. pic.twitter.com/P1TUGhBOyM