Practising my product photography. pic.twitter.com/hSByyhLvch
@MResponsively Seems good so far, now all I need is a longer commute so I have time to read again!

Third edition. pic.twitter.com/xziYKi5Pl5

Which is turning into Tweetception here. pic.twitter.com/2rNFedh0cz
@benjohnbarnes That is a Really Interesting* diagram of how SQL Server stores table data. Exam next week.
*May not be actually interesting

Learnin’ time. pic.twitter.com/uUEW6td7l4
@imyke I think I may be listening to a new mashup podcast called Hypercortexical… *squints at show notes*
Photo: Freshly-opened Saffron of Clifton Village off to a great signage start here..tmblr.co/ZD7hNx1wThsK-Lr

@sowerbyandluff Saw this and thought of you :) pic.twitter.com/rRaHfN3zXh