@uliwitness I think you could probably drive yourself mad looking through Who plot holes…

danbarker The hero Gotham deserves. pic.twitter.com/sYqbfKBVcx
@philsturgeon You’re very welcome.

Now all I need to do is go back and take this one again now they’ve got the clingfilm off the Clifton tower..pic.twitter.com/vkxXFFLNXZXZ

@griffinkate Yeah. Sigh. pic.twitter.com/UrSvYTpPO7
@Bristolvor (I assume you’re not actually the same person, given that he sounded like Clive Dunn’s Lance-Corporal Jones back in 1985…)
@Bristolvor …every time it happened, he’d repeat “THE METROPOLITAN POLICE HELICOPTER IS IN THE AREA” over and over again on the 1-9.
@Bristolvor Got taken straight back to the eighties with that one. Used to be a local on the CB radio when I was a kid, and…
@labfoo I think “tomap” is not the frame you’re mapping to, but the co-ordinates “to map”.
@labfoo I humbly suggest that you have your “from” and “to” coordinate frames the wrong way around. Works fine with ref and tromp reversed.

@labfoo I can certainly confirm that the Java version outputs the result you’re getting from your JS: pic.twitter.com/C0kN7AVLzh
@labfoo My result may not help you understand what’s going on, and neither will my sketchy knowledge of affine transforms. However…
@labfoo What’s the unexpected result? Gives same result in Java and JS for me…
@shezza_t Ta :) Though sadly I’ll probably be a bit too swamped to help :(
@markrglover @NetflixUK It’d probably just start asking me why we hadn’t had kids yet.
@Dichohecho Might be a better option somewhere in the tabletop music stand line—most of those fold up small for travel.
@Dichohecho Music stand? Also, I found one of these quite handy in the past: amazon.co.uk/Bookchair-Delu…
@floyduk I’m not sure I’d be able to tell the difference if I bricked mine.
Seems the reason the Suspension Bridge is
closed is that someone’s threatening to jump from it :(

Seriously, @NetflixUK has replaced my late grandmother with its “So, have you found a nice young lady yet?” dialog..pic.twitter.com/QPVv7Pqs0f0f

stereowilliams “For the last time—your daughter was trespassing AND she ate our food and slept in our beds. I’m filing charges!” pic.twitter.com/9IaaCCgcMl
@headfirstonly @talkie_tim Thanks :) Yeah, odd one. Was just out jogging one morning and the light was amazing.

Fooling around with old photos. This one’s from six years ago. pic.twitter.com/1uf2Vt7Lmu
“I can feel my retinas detaching in self-defence!” #thearchers
@Shonette Guessed they might be. My only problem with the Gloucester Road area ones is that all the others are closer to me!
@Shonette Fantastic list, that. Been to most & heartly agree ;) Link for Bakers & Co doesn’t seem to work for me, though—where are they?
Shonette Eggs Benedict, pancakes or a hearty One Pan Wonder? Take your pick from Bristol’s Best Brunches: lifelessorganised.com/2014/11/17/the… #Bristol #brunch