@chubbybannister Absolutely!

igersBristol Details at #sanctumbristol. Photos by (clockwise from top left) @chubbybannister ‘rosiejam’ @gothick @thehistoryb0y pic.twitter.com/RGLAM1Po5q
@fabulousmrg @BristolLoverUK Ah. Yes, that would certainly explain it. I’ve walked from Temple area, so probably seen the worst bits.

Mind the gap. pic.twitter.com/38gUP7E2CW
Photo: Cafe Signs, the nighttime edition. The Pantry, Park Street, Bristol, with Wills Tower in the… tmblr.co/ZD7hNx1x5bZ8Y

Secondhand camera hunters of Bristol: Sue Ryder on Park Street have an MTL5B kit in the window for £80. pic.twitter.com/CKHtC4PLsm

Walking or cycling definitely the best options heading down Park Street tonight, #bristol #traffic pic.twitter.com/cDRKRUw6Sa
@Kavey *high five back*
Walking home through town for a change. Wow. Is #bristol always gridlocked at this time of night?
Result. instagram.com/p/9bYyJ7pC2w/

*snigger* @BaristasBristol pic.twitter.com/oZYDdGXP6E
Down in Albion #igersbristol instagram.com/p/9bCQlKpC8T/
@chubbybannister *blush*
@stillawake ALIEN BROCCOLI. Romanesco, to be precise.
@shezza_t *Doffs Panama*

Snappity: No Nonsense. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/0jQGXYJmgQ

Sometimes you need a little extra something to spice up a photo. #random #sanctumbristol pic.twitter.com/5mN1lkup4v
Enjoying the light in #sanctumbristol #igersbristol instagram.com/p/9aq0q3pC7i/
*waves at @chubbybannister from car*