Why do so many advanced alien species have the technology to travel faster than light but no CCTV in their prison blocks?
(In the Mac line, that is. Other manufacturers’ displays are available ;) )
TIL (via @_upgradefm): the Denver Broncos’ orange jersey is outside sRGB colour space, so only the new 4K iMac can reproduce it @GreatDismal

Classic texts. pic.twitter.com/60DjGlM5c3
@IanMartin Aww! Stryker’s Run. Played a lot of that, back in the day.
Is editing an existing local brush adjustment broken in latest #Lightroom? Can’t select existing one to edit it…
Photo: Big and bold. And with a sizeable carrot. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx1wOvUUB

Loopy. pic.twitter.com/PWOX44CYTW
@emmafurious Yeah. That nice stall on the way into Tobacco Factory market.
Man. Warm bread pudding from a market stall on an October day.
jessicaplautz Police raided Volkswagen headquarters in France on Friday: wsj.com/articles/polic…

Hazy one today. #Bristol pic.twitter.com/59FSI6WNYQ
Lock wheel. instagram.com/p/8-g3mkJC0q/

Have reached the stage of tidying where everything is worse than when I started. Going for coffee. May be some time. pic.twitter.com/sqWco5FBaJ
TheBristolShop #ABristolMurmuration, an installation by @zoecameronhere is now on the Downs, but only for a week - don’t miss it! thebristolshop.co.uk/blogs/news/523… …
@uliwitness Huh?
This morning I will mostly be putting all these boxes of books back on shelves in the hall while listening to The Archers #thuglife
@griffinkate Hey, it’s even *harder* to move with a woolly mammoth on your lap.

Mornin’ all. pic.twitter.com/d5ym3Xqcqh
Anyone else suddenly think of China Miéville’s _Embassytown_? twitter.com/cox_tom/status…