@Kavey Well, it was either that or a joke about a peeping tom…
rem Have new TV (old one lasted 10 years). First it asked me to connect to internet. Now asking to agree to T&Cs! What is this!?!?

pierrekerner My new favourite gif pic.twitter.com/eISLc2WKfM
@kongtomorrow Things must have improved. In v1 it was like yelling “Potato salad! Upholstery!” rather than “Fire!” in a burning building.

archidave Incredible. Hospital waiting area mag 20yrs old!!! pic.twitter.com/iJhZlgWc6s

Cute new redhead seems to have moved in upstairs and won’t stop staring through my windows at me. pic.twitter.com/bia8WLTRg5
danbarker I think these are the worst Back to the Future tweets: twitter.com/Oreo/status/65…
Shops have hit that time of year when the stuff I really want to buy has been edged out by fireworks, plastic pumpkins and chocolate Santas.
@richardjfoster This was my immediate suspicion. Wonder if they do this twice a year, every year?
Does 2am BST even exist on Sunday? #existentialmaintenance

Have Lloyds randomly chosen the most possible confusing time (exactly as the clocks go back) for maintenance? pic.twitter.com/t6GsEVt9KP
arstechnica Researchers find 256 iOS apps that collect users’ personal info arstechnica.com/security/2015/… by @dangoodin001

@Kavey @ahnlak No idea why this made me think of you. pic.twitter.com/wzRGdQqiE9
AlasdairStuart …a pr company tweeting Apprentice themed Back to the Future spaff into my feed. Well, there’s the bottom of the barrel early today
Flickr When a World Metropolis Removed Its Ads: See how São Paolo did just that in this photo essay. #cidadelimpa bit.ly/1QPorZM