Yes, Microsoft. Obviously when I delete an email I want it to remain unread so my trash has an annoying unread counter on it.
Floyd Rose.

jamesevans42 Wanna feel old? This is what Gunther from Friends looks like today.
@Bristolvor Well, you know. Booking at Casa Mia fell through…

.@waiyeehong I think it may be the day to deploy the #pieinacan!
@shauninman Dumb question/solution, I know, but have you rebooted? I suspect quitting and restarting Safari may not be enough sometimes.
@shauninman Hrm. Only time I saw that was when I had the Evernote extension installed. And you’ve eliminated DNS. I’m out of ideas.
Left my exam revision to the last minute, as usual. I’m pretty awful at studying.
@shauninman (Come to think of it, the Timelines tab might make that kind of thing more apparent.)
@shauninman See anything suspicious if you turn on the Web Inspector and check out the Network tab?
@shauninman Got any Safari extensions installed?
@KateWritesStuff Cool. Let us know how you get on!
@KateWritesStuff They’ve all upped their game in recent years to combat worries about online fraud, so worth asking.
@KateWritesStuff There still should be. Visa Debit has decent protection; not sure about the others.
@KateWritesStuff Was it on a credit or debit card? Should at least be able to get the money back through your bank.
lukesolomon Open letter to my 11 year old son
Can you put the bins out
This is, indeed, very hypnotic.…
Tip: Strip the word “cyber” from a headline to find out how much it really means:…
I’m not the only one with strange obsessions. TIL the “photos of buoys” group I’m in on Flickr also has a Flipboard…