On the down side, the song really isn’t my kind of thing.
@tsunimee Wow. It’s like a cross between a Cher video and a David Cronenberg movie.
@tsunimee Placenta yukkiness? I’m guessing i’ve not seen that one yet.
RT @matt_fwyalchen: It feels others’ RT’s are mocking me tonight. Ho hum.
@ShabbyBean @BlackDogDays Aaaah. Always a danger with snacks.
@KaveyF May a magical lemur fly through your window on a rainbow of amazement and cheer you up.
@hayles Scary thing is, I can imagine him doing either.
@hayles If this were a Stephen King novel we’d now cut to George, preparing a small padlocked cupboard with a Mac and an IV espresso drip.
@ShabbyBean @BlackDogDays Should I ask why you’re opening Friday night snacks on a Monday? Are they early or late?
@hayles With all the extra shots he’s offered me, I think his plan is to get me so hooked I’ll do their website purely for more espresso.
How the heck did LinkedIn figure out I know George at @BaristasBristol? Spooky damn social networks.
@tsunimee Good good.
Finally checking out the Police crime map. Apparently the best way to avoid crime in Hotwells is not to be a car.
My suspicions that this email from my bank was less than legitimate were first raised by the greeting “Dear Costumer”…
Why do some @grazedotcom packs open silently, while others make a racket like parcel tape being ripped from a kettledrum?
@BlackDogDays Sorry, though geeky I know nothing about getting rid of viruses.
Ooh. Payday! Quck, Robin, to the Bat-Internet-Shopping-Portal.
@Mouse_House I hate that. And why do you always remember the bad ones better?
@Mouse_House Freud would probably get a whole book out of that one!
@Slashleen @Sam_Currie @misslo Okay, this coordinated Oscar-tweeting is scaring me now. http://plixi.com/p/80518…
@hayles !?
@BlackDogDays Wow. That’s the most tellingly tragic collection of hashtags I’ve seen in a while.
In t’pub at the end of t’Flickr night walk.
Looking back. http://plixi.com/p/80438…
@BlackDogDays *sympathy*.
Jesus, no wonder this RNLI page is taking a decade to load. There’s 26 stylesheets, for starters. #borednow
@jonhickman To be fair, it was someone else’s car, though, wasn’t it?
Make your mind up, England. You were sunny five minutes ago! http://plixi.com/p/80404…
@hayles It’s a bit odd, and will be annoying if Feedburner goes away, but it does seem to be normal, which is what I was slowly working out.
@hayles They both will still go through Feedburner in the end. It’s just that one goes directly and one will redirect.
@domwakeling Well, on the plus side, you can plan on a bloody awesome first cup the morning after you get back…
Spring bulb. http://plixi.com/p/80392…
@danielpunkass Screw the money. How much happier are you?
@domwakeling Oooh. Bad planning. Or is this a deliberate “cold turkey” retreat? :)
Playing with a slightly-revamped http://uniquesentence.co… :) Warning: some sentences contain mild profanity.
@hayles I just discovered that’s exactly what happens on a site I’m redeveloping. Wanted to make sure that was normal! Ta.
@hayles Aha. Click on URL bar icon, subscribes to ceriselle.org/feed. Click link at bottom of page, subscribes to feedburner URL instead.
(Last tweet inspired by a typographical issue in @garymarshall’s last @netmag column :) )
Lust In Time: Manufacturing process where an item comes to market just before you discover you really, really want it. Pioneered by Apple.
@hayles Geeky. Want to see whether I end up with different link in NetNewsWire if I subscribe through link rather than through URL bar icon.
Anyone out there currently using Feedburner on a blog I can look at to test something? Won’t do any harm, honest :)
It seems like a double-shot kind of morning. http://plixi.com/p/80367…
hotdogsladies Whoa. You can “choose between 12 different backgrounds” for this task app.
I hope one’s a photo of you not actually working.
If you kill page after page of repetitive Facebook dating adverts, eventually they start turning really weird. http://twitpic.com/444bns
@SethMacFarlane @CorporalKitty Yes, and anyone who thinks it does is an ydyot.
@daraobriain Now, don’t be giving him any thoughts about going for the hat-trick.
Adding Open Graph stuff and a “Like” button here and there… *tinkers*
Back from my last weekend jog before the Bath Half Marathon :) I’m running for the RNLI: http://bit.ly/mattbathha… #getrunning
@SiDawson Good point *fetches water*.
@SiDawson Heh. Normally I am a morning person. Just moving very, very slowly today…
Wow. How did it get to be five past one? Seems like I’ve only just got up.
@MatStace It would be nice. And maybe Apple could get the Apple TV to actually rent you TV shows in the UK, too. #grr #secondclasscitizens
@MatStace They just bought LoveFilm, didn’t they? Guess they’ve got _something_ in mind…
@canofpopcom I’ve generally assumed that anything with “stylish” in the name probably isn’t, but I may be doing them a disservice.
@rbrwr I think it would be shellfish to delete it.
@rbrwr Is it a Bristolian pun? I’ve heard some fool put a Clevedon pun in there last month.
Ah, that’s the thing I like about British springtime. The “golden hour” of the early evening. http://flic.kr/p/9m21z7 #okaymaybenot
@penelopeelse Wow. That’s the most irritating website I’ve seen in months.
@penelopeelse Name and shame. Might save me from going through the same process…
@2MuchApplePie I want to go straight from where I am directly to dentures at the age of 70.
@Juggzy Iced, or filled?

leashless You know who Julian Assange looks just like? Wrongest thing you’ll see all day: http://imgur.com/Fmf4Y
@ahnlak @R2UK Well, I went up to 3.1 with no issues, if that helps. And since I went multisite that means I did three blogs with one click!
Hurrah for casual wear days in the office!
@caitlinmoran Now that’s a sport I’d pay to see.
@bexxi I just had a granola pot. It was lovely.
@technex Just a checkup. Never had any work done. :D
@technex We just missed each other! My dentist is at number 1!
@archidave But that’s my extra-friendly smile! Oh. Okay, I get why you’re scared now. *sulks*
@Thehappyfatgirl As does the female hygienist, to be fair…
Lo. I am dentisted. http://plixi.com/p/79830…
@Thehappyfatgirl Hey, enough beer and I’m anyone’s weirdo. But not at 9am :)
@Thehappyfatgirl Oddly, I’m in the dentist, too. But I am not a starey weirdo. Or at least, not *your* starey weirdo.
@csoanes Yes, but we’ve already established that you’re a batshit-crazy antemeridial masochist and I am a serene civilised person, dear.
Up early for the dentist. Oh well, they mostly just take a cursory glance and tell me I’m fine. Still no fillings!
@codepo8 Odd. I didn’t need to do anything; it just worked right out of the box: http://emberapp.com/goth…
@codepo8 Odd. On front page, I get “Edit Page”. On post page, “Edit Post”. Strange interaction with your theme, maybe?
@codepo8 Huh? Apart from the “Edit Post” button, you mean? Or am I missing something?
@Lillput Night Lill-put :)
@tsunimee Yes, should try to relax my tension. With a hot chocolate, obviously.
And on that note, ahem, it might be time for me to go to bed. Night all :)
@tsunimee and I apologise. *hands @michelledh a towel*
@tsunimee Outrageous girl! *looks innocent* @michelledh
@tsunimee Our work here is done. @michelledh
@tsunimee Down there? Where the hell do you keep your shoulders?
@tsunimee *massages shoulders*
Bin Laden? *blink* All we need is Gazza to turn up with a fishing rod and we’ve got a perfect storm of “totally fucking lost it”.
@archidave @rabidbee @Lillput @DrHairbear Clearly it’s ig4, only better.
@thomasvenables Probably would be if enough people had been bothered about it this last couple of decades :/
So, they can launch a shuttle, but you still need to put “www” in front of “nasa.gov” to get to the site? Oh well, priorities, I suppose…
johnfbraun Breaking News : Multiple sources speculate Mac OS X 10.8 may be called Thundercat.
@inkyhands Erm. Dunno. *looks around*
Warning: Dove Invisible Dry has terrible side-effects. If you’re a British northerner it’ll make you look like a badly-dubbed American.
@BlackDogDays Ahh, I did wonder… @LynnCherylEde
@simondebrux Yes, it was fairly pointless serving Little Chef customers good food…
@youngandfoodish I can actually picture the Masterchef judges in uniform right now. “Excuse me sir, is this *your* rice pudding?”
Kavey Help me, Japan-travelling friends. If you were to book flights now for 3-3.5 weeks next spring, what dates would you pick? (No dates blocked
@hayles Try notbeansagain.com.
@hayles There is one of those. Want me to dig through my bookmarks?
@youngandfoodish Me too, apparently. What happens if I do? Will I die?
@PomegranateEB Well, it might help me when I’m buying jeans next time. But I should probably try a diet first.
@prbristolblog Goodness, it’s almost as if you’re saying that Venue should have invested in a proper web presence. :)
Beethoven’s third is an excellent gargling tune #randomobservations
@hayles No. It will literally install a cloud over your house.
@BlackDogDays My faves from the Chocolate Week expo last year :) (thanks, @KaveyF!) Have you seen the new ones? http://bit.ly/gzSePP
@BlackDogDays Mmm. Choc truffles have been on my mind today. I probably should get myself off Charbonnel & Walker’s mailing list. :)
@ahnlak Yes deer.
@davidpatrick @KaveyF @ahnlak For some reason I can only hear that in a Frankie Howard voice.
@ahnlak Alchemy!
mathowie Awesome thread on tips for making the worst possible presentation (there’s a link to slides and video at the end): http://mefi.us/a/176170
@ahnlak Jesus. It’s probably not strong enough to take your mind off itself, either.
@ahnlak Have you done a full-on “which supermarket does the best beer?” review yet?
@ahnlak Not bad, to my uneducated palate, by the way: http://yfrog.com/h67s4whj
@jcroft But are they annoyingly close together still, so you can’t plug a dongle-style thing and anything else at the same time?
@thomashawk Also, does the test page pinpoint a particular Farm? http://www.flickr.com/he…
@thomashawk Reboot your router. & Windows, too, if you’re using that. Something networky is having gyp with a Farm.
@talkie_tim Well, someone will continue them, I’m sure. And if nobody else does, I will.
On a burrito-related note, there now seem to be two new burrito places opening up with half a mile of each other in #bristol. Odd.
How bad does Twitter’s filtering have to be for some of these utterly obviously spammy accounts to still be running?
I like the opening up of the @instapaper API, but I have no idea if I can put an app in the App Store with Apple’s new subscription rules…
*giggle* “wrapped up in her blanket like a fearless little burrito” http://hyperboleandahalf…
artbizness Starting the day with some sad news: Nicholas Courtney aka “The Brigadier” from Classic Dr. Who has passed away: http://is.gd/aCm87H
@WilHarris The Twitter iPhone app is unable to sync with *itself* when it comes to DMs. Marked these read six times on the phone now.
@cmb Might be best to choose a weapon that’s only wieldable with opposable thumbs.
@cmb Just don’t miss. With the whiplash action they can get with their necks, I imagine they’re pretty deadly with a boomerang.
@talkie_tim …not that I compulsively read them, and have had to change screen scraping -> RSS methods three times now, or anything.)
@talkie_tim We need to make sure “I Saw You” and “I’m Sore At You” carry on. And I could give them a bloody RSS feed while I’m there.
@djelibeybi_meg Ah, but reading that, it was the guy who complained who got killed, right? That’s a bad precedent to set…
@tsunimee @VexintheCity What’s up?
@t_pk Of course, you realise this means that everything will appear upside-down in Firefox?
@KaveyF Never mind; there’s no rush!
@ahnlak In my defence, there aren’t any HTML site emails being sent to anyone other than the site admin, and I *do* accept HTML emails…
@ahnlak …I did have that lingering feeling I’d forgotten something.
@ahnlak Oooh, ta. I’d half-finished the email bits from new Unique Sentence and it’s currently _only_ adding an HTML part…
RT @bristol247: #bristol #news Bristol wins bid to host robot World Cup in 2012 http://ow.ly/40VNs <— My kind of sport!
@paulahillier Not so hot now. Under new management. And the beer was shockingly bad last time I tried it.
Dolce Vita getting a respray. #bristol http://yfrog.com/hs9fsdj
@nineweeks I’ve never heard the term before, but it seems like it would be appropriate for quite a lot of things…
@hayles Ah.
@kellyoxford “Pleasantly daughter-free, dear”?
@shezza_t “Finally, Brock! Revenge for all those shaving brushes! Lather us up, will they? Let’s get the bastards…”
@hayles What? Is she guarding the cakes?
“We can categorically state that we have not released man-eating badgers into the area.” http://bbc.in/eKOotM <— Yeah, we believe you. Not.
@nineweeks You just can’t trust the weaselly gits.
@Squonk I kid you not: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/…
Odd Wikipedia find: “In 2007 suggestions that British forces released man-eating badgers near Basra, Iraq, to kill terrorists were refuted.”
@rabidbee *giggle*
@SimonPeevers What button pushing have you tried? Hold both down for ages. Also: when it happened to me, erm, it had run out of battery.
@timhayward Okay, I don’t actually know what any of that means. I guess I’m not a macho “steak-culture” guy (whatever that is!) @KaveyF
@matthew_roach @archidave Surely we could turn all those Scottish wind-farms onto “blow”?
@KaveyF Well, I’ve had the steak with anchovy sauce there and it was very good indeed. @timhayward
hayles Could you freeze cake dough? I’d like to make some cakes, but I don’t have anyone to offload them onto! (I can’t eat 12 cakes myself)
Things I hope never to see, #857: Wikipedia’s “This article documents a current event…” box at the top of the article on a country I’m in.
@archidave Well, I hear houses in Iceland are going fairly cheap. @Swishrelic
@drewm A princess who is *particularly* sensitive to peas?
@roundonefight Aren’t you in Birmingham? How can it ever be too late to order a curry?
@arlinelyons You know something? That’s probably a unique sentence…
@arlinelyons Every site needs a 404 page :) http://beta.uniquesenten…
Coding. And possibly going slightly strange. http://plixi.com/p/79013…
Andy_Dutton Oppressed millions rising up against evil despots. It’s political madness gone correct.
@Jorence By the same person? :) Or by people you could throw in a room together and watch argue from a distance?
@BlackDogDays Not until _The Archers_ starts, anyway :D
@BlackDogDays That’s normally the point I switch Radio 4 on.
@tsunimee I’m not going to ask what that means.
@KaveyF Also: don’t add anything you don’t want to lose; db will be rebuilt before go-live.
@KaveyF When you have a mo, can you prod http://beta.uniquesenten…, and see if you can log in with existing account? Ta!
New joggity-blog: How Not to Train for a Half Marathon :) http://mattgetsrunning.c…
@KaveyF *poke*
@rabidbee I’m actually 87.
Someone in my timeline just used the word “Mac-lash”. With the groups I follow, I don’t know if they’re referencing computers or eye makeup.
@SpikyZebra I shall resist the temptation, then. I don’t like loud noises.
@jonhickman …though looking at that one I do have a spookily similar cheap case for the Air. And it’s already falling apart :(
@jonhickman Bought mine when there was only the Amazon cover available. And then got free upgrade to the built-in-light one after a recall!
@IreneB9 @redddwings Had mine done at the barber’s last time. Amazing how much better it is when done by a pro with a £500 trimmmer :)
@redddwings @IreneB9 *overhears* *strokes beard*
@t_pk I beg your%20pardon?
@jonhickman @martin_eve No extra charge compared to normal, I believe, so free if done via Wi-Fi, e.g. if doc sent to @free.kindle.com.
@tsunimee I note that @BangsandaBun runs about twice as fast as I do. But then my legs are only 1ft long, so I guess I’m doing okay :)
@tsunimee I’m _always_ a good boy. *innocent look*
@tsunimee Personally, I’m glad that there was just enough ambiguity that I had to go check :)
@tsunimee I would be delighted to sponsor @BangsandaBun. I also note from the pictures on her blog that her legs _alone_ are 7ft tall :)
Must get off Twitter and stretch before my legs freeze up completely. On the plus side, jogging 10K seemed a breeze today :) #getrunning
@martin_eve @jonhickman If you mail a PDF to your Kindle a/c with “Convert” in subject, it’ll try & improve it. Results vary, but worth a go
@BlackDogDays @RamonY1970 @nineweeks Ah, cool. Maybe it’ll still be there on my next annual visit to Cabot Circus :)
@Jorence Thanks! Just did a pleasant, slow 10K ;)
Not long now to the Bath Half Marathon, so I’d better get some practice in.
Right. Off out for a nice long jog. Hopefully it won’t chuck it down like last week *crosses fingers*.
@nineweeks @RamonY1970 It’s not so much that I find it sterile, just that I have no interest in virtually any of the shops.
@RamonY1970 @nineweeks Bah. Although to be fair I only went there twice. But that says more about Cabot Circus than it does about Chandos.
@nineweeks What, a Chandos? Think that one closed.
@nineweeks Apart from that, on a Sunday I think I’m with @RamonY1970.
@nineweeks Hmm. Is Chandos open? Although that’s more Cabot Circus than the Centre, isn’t it? Hrm.
@BlackDogDays Funky!
Have a functional user registration/profile editing/password resettings/reCAPTCHAing system on the website I’m fiddling with. Hurrah!
Given what I’m like with cables when there’s just me and a four-track mixer, I’m pretty sure I’d strangle myself instantly in a real studio.