Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 14th, 2011

@Baboee Yeah. Got to leave room for chocolate.

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Hurrah! A new way of blocking crap like “bigresource” (and also telling Google I’m blocking it, too.)

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@tweeny4 It’s so hard. Especially people. Damn odd-shaped deceptive things :)

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@MatStace Where did you buy it? Is it some strange import? Bought HP like that once, turned out it was some strange European variant…

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RT @helenpower: Woweeeee! Rudey cakes courtesy of the smashing @Puddled_Pudding <— *snigger*

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Anyway. This is my Valentine’s evening. Fiddling with wildly pointless websites. But tonight, with a side-order of really nice chocolates :)

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@KaveyF Well, I hasten to inform you that I am fully clothed. And generally am, when programming.

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RT @KaveyF: @gothick … BUT… why did my brain somehow add the word “nakedly” to the front of your last tweet? <— WHA? OOD GIRL.

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Fiddling with my make-over of Unique Sentence.

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@bexxi Always a pleasure, my entirely undunderheaded friend :) (Presumably that makes you underdunderheaded)

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@chrisbrogan You expect me to click on that? *grin*

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@majicDave Erm. Mind doesn’t have the badge when it’s not running. And it didn’t run on login for me by default. I think.

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@misslo I remember that feeling! I was just the same a couple of years ago — I started off with Get Running myself, back in 2009 :)

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@misslo @getrunningapp Well, I’m slow, but I’m definitely a runner. Or at least a jogger :) Doing my second half-marathon next month!

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@matthew_roach @bertpalmer Not tried either, I was just taken with the look of the Primrose ones when @KaveyF, @ahnlak and I were there :)

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@bexxi Oh, okay, I thought you were counting obvious dunderheads, not having lack-of-places issues!

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@bertpalmer Really? They looked sparklingly gorgeous last Monday. Maybe they only bake once a fortnight ;)

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@hayles That _so_ should have said, “Without jinxing it, we have po”

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@hayles This should now be a road movie where he drives a Cadillac from Vegas to Colorado, picking up a Valentine’s card in each state :)

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@hayles Oh, gawd, is ‘imself jet-setting again?

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@adamficek Presumably, if it did, it would cease to be a real music industry?

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@hayles On the plus side: if you have to fill the house with candles, this is an appropriate day for it!

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@hayles My guess: Your neighbour has a secret hydroponics set-up that’s sapping all the power.

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@danfairs See, that’s my kind of UI element. Adds fantastic user value while being very cheap to implement :)

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@chrisphin I want a 2D smart phone. Except the edges would be quite sharp, right?

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Stackoverflow needs “IT’S LIKE PULLING TEETH” and “U R DOING IT WRONG” buttons. They don’t need to do anything, just light up when pressed.

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@tsunimee Solution: swap scanner at home with scanner at work. Wait for work to fix broken scanner.

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