@johnfbraun Nothing in /var/log/mysql/error.log (or Gentoo equivalent)? @DaveHamilton
@thomasvenables Yup.
Just back from shopping, a trip which allowed me to discover that today I am unaccountably extremely grumpy. Bah.
@Pockless Heh. Surely it didn’t that long to work it out? Bless him, but the word “liability” popped into my head within about 3 seconds.
Okay. Morning off done. Feeling human. Quick trip to Clifton Village for lunch, then digging into email and flat-tidying.
Fooling with the Paul app. #alienated http://yfrog.com/gzzlhapj
@thomasvenables …which is one reason I like my sites at least to barely work in IE6. So I can show them to people at work :(
@Dru_Marland They’ll only be the Next Big Thing for me about five minutes after I next eat them.
@thomasvenables Ooooh, let’s think of an example of a company where IE6 is still standard across the corporate desktop, shall we..? *waits*
@Dru_Marland That is insufficient reason to eat pickled herring.
@caitlinmoran Goodness, why isn’t that in my iTunes? I’ll have to dig out the 12-inch now. Damn you.
@csoanes And to be fair, it did actually work as expected in IE7, IE8 and IE9, so I can’t be too pissed of with MS on this one.
@csoanes I’m planning on the bare minimum of support. But sadly that includes the menu of the website actually appearing on the page.
Jesus, can IE6 cope with *anything*? *muttermutternegativemarginmutter*
@hayles Those are both rhetorical questions, aren’t they?
@talkie_tim Actually, it’s solipsism. And I’m not going to argue with me any longer.
@ilovetypography Explode? If it’s anything like mine, I imagine it’ll just form a singularity and suck your entire life in.
@talkie_tim Are you? Are you sure?
@stillawake @nineweeks Yup. Anyone who fits curtains around their allotment must be cool.
@dailybooth Have you changed it so the arrow keys go back/forward through pics? Cos (a) cute!, but (b) NOT cute when you’re typing blurb!