Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 19th, 2011

Have a functional user registration/profile editing/password resettings/reCAPTCHAing system on the website I’m fiddling with. Hurrah!

via Echofon

Given what I’m like with cables when there’s just me and a four-track mixer, I’m pretty sure I’d strangle myself instantly in a real studio.

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*Takes huge wooden spoon from @hayles* Oy! Stop stirring, you! @tsunimee

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@tsunimee Yup, maybe related. But I guess not directly, as I’m using Echofon… Ho hum. Anyway. You’re back :)

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@tsunimee …and you’re back. As are a couple of other people odd. Twitter has been having a few issues in the last day or so, hasn’t it?

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@tsunimee Je ne sais pas, my little chickadee. I will restart this Twitter client and see if you reappear.

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Okay, so if I still follow @tsunimee, and @tsunimee still follows me, why aren’t @tsunimee’s tweets in my timeline? Thought it was quiet…

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@KaveyF Hey, if I have been given a curd by someone that’s still pretty much a liquid, is there any way of rescuing it?

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@vowe Even the very first part of that tweet was a foreign language to me :)

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RT @warrenellis: if it gets any harder to get out of bed, the next stage will be just laying there dead <— just described my January…

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Hurrah! Flat-tidying has revealed long-hidden wonders. And now my feet are warmer.

via Twitter for iPhone

@fablor Ah. Okay, well, just keep an eye out for algae build-up on the screen.

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Until confessing about my bedroom problem to my friend Sarah last week, I didn’t know it had a name. But apparently, I have a “floordrobe”.

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Right. Time to do a bit of energetic flat-tidying to the tunes of the new _The Go! Team_ album.

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@fablor I thought it was normally chickens you had to sacrifice to resurrect computers?

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@jonhickman Dunno. It links to Kindle site for text of quotes, so not easy, I don’t think (see @stuffmattreads)

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@jonhickman One thing I found handy: I set a separate Twitter a/c for Kindle tweets, then subscribed to the RSS feed. Instant notes-to-self.

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@jonhickman Yes, it’s quite annoying. Formatting is a bit ropey all over ebooks at the moment. O’Reilly stick out as being excellent.

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@jonhickman Yes, it’s nice, isn’t it? Good old fashioned geekery going on there, I feel.

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@meemalee @Brays_Cottage Ah, now if it could only be delivered to me unexpectedly in a posh restaurant, like that pork pie was…

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@Sheridansmith1 Is this a love thing, or a hate thing?

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Mmm. I’m getting better at making my own latte at home.

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“Have you tried reading _The Lost Symbol_? There are more intriguing boiler manuals” <— I love Chris Fowler

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