Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 24th, 2011

@codepo8 Odd. On front page, I get “Edit Page”. On post page, “Edit Post”. Strange interaction with your theme, maybe?

via Echofon in reply to codepo8

@codepo8 Huh? Apart from the “Edit Post” button, you mean? Or am I missing something?

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@tsunimee Yes, should try to relax my tension. With a hot chocolate, obviously.

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

And on that note, ahem, it might be time for me to go to bed. Night all :)

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@tsunimee Outrageous girl! *looks innocent* @michelledh

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@tsunimee Our work here is done. @michelledh

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@tsunimee Down there? Where the hell do you keep your shoulders?

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Bin Laden? *blink* All we need is Gazza to turn up with a fishing rod and we’ve got a perfect storm of “totally fucking lost it”.

via Echofon

@thomasvenables Probably would be if enough people had been bothered about it this last couple of decades :/

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So, they can launch a shuttle, but you still need to put “www” in front of “” to get to the site? Oh well, priorities, I suppose…

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johnfbraun Breaking News : Multiple sources speculate Mac OS X 10.8 may be called Thundercat.

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 10:02 PM, Feb 24th, 2011 via Echofon)

Warning: Dove Invisible Dry has terrible side-effects. If you’re a British northerner it’ll make you look like a badly-dubbed American.

via Echofon

@simondebrux Yes, it was fairly pointless serving Little Chef customers good food…

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@youngandfoodish I can actually picture the Masterchef judges in uniform right now. “Excuse me sir, is this *your* rice pudding?”

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to youngandfoodish

Kavey Help me, Japan-travelling friends. If you were to book flights now for 3-3.5 weeks next spring, what dates would you pick? (No dates blocked

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:53 PM, Feb 24th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@hayles There is one of those. Want me to dig through my bookmarks?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@youngandfoodish Me too, apparently. What happens if I do? Will I die?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to youngandfoodish

@PomegranateEB Well, it might help me when I’m buying jeans next time. But I should probably try a diet first.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to amyhwhits

@prbristolblog Goodness, it’s almost as if you’re saying that Venue should have invested in a proper web presence. :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to MrMattAnderson

Beethoven’s third is an excellent gargling tune

via Echofon