@jonhickman …though looking at that one I do have a spookily similar cheap case for the Air. And it’s already falling apart :(
@jonhickman Bought mine when there was only the Amazon cover available. And then got free upgrade to the built-in-light one after a recall!
@IreneB9 @redddwings Had mine done at the barber’s last time. Amazing how much better it is when done by a pro with a £500 trimmmer :)
@redddwings @IreneB9 *overhears* *strokes beard*
@t_pk I beg your%20pardon?
@jonhickman @martin_eve No extra charge compared to normal, I believe, so free if done via Wi-Fi, e.g. if doc sent to @free.kindle.com.
@tsunimee I note that @BangsandaBun runs about twice as fast as I do. But then my legs are only 1ft long, so I guess I’m doing okay :)
@tsunimee I’m _always_ a good boy. *innocent look*
@tsunimee Personally, I’m glad that there was just enough ambiguity that I had to go check :)
@tsunimee I would be delighted to sponsor @BangsandaBun. I also note from the pictures on her blog that her legs _alone_ are 7ft tall :)
Must get off Twitter and stretch before my legs freeze up completely. On the plus side, jogging 10K seemed a breeze today :) #getrunning
@martin_eve @jonhickman If you mail a PDF to your Kindle a/c with “Convert” in subject, it’ll try & improve it. Results vary, but worth a go
@BlackDogDays @RamonY1970 @nineweeks Ah, cool. Maybe it’ll still be there on my next annual visit to Cabot Circus :)
@Jorence Thanks! Just did a pleasant, slow 10K ;)
Not long now to the Bath Half Marathon, so I’d better get some practice in.
Right. Off out for a nice long jog. Hopefully it won’t chuck it down like last week *crosses fingers*.
@nineweeks @RamonY1970 It’s not so much that I find it sterile, just that I have no interest in virtually any of the shops.
@RamonY1970 @nineweeks Bah. Although to be fair I only went there twice. But that says more about Cabot Circus than it does about Chandos.
@nineweeks What, a Chandos? Think that one closed.
@nineweeks Apart from that, on a Sunday I think I’m with @RamonY1970.
@nineweeks Hmm. Is Chandos open? Although that’s more Cabot Circus than the Centre, isn’t it? Hrm.