@MatStace It would be nice. And maybe Apple could get the Apple TV to actually rent you TV shows in the UK, too. #grr #secondclasscitizens
@MatStace They just bought LoveFilm, didn’t they? Guess they’ve got _something_ in mind…
@canofpopcom I’ve generally assumed that anything with “stylish” in the name probably isn’t, but I may be doing them a disservice.
@rbrwr I think it would be shellfish to delete it.
@rbrwr Is it a Bristolian pun? I’ve heard some fool put a Clevedon pun in there last month.
Ah, that’s the thing I like about British springtime. The “golden hour” of the early evening. http://flic.kr/p/9m21z7 #okaymaybenot
@penelopeelse Wow. That’s the most irritating website I’ve seen in months.
@penelopeelse Name and shame. Might save me from going through the same process…
@2MuchApplePie I want to go straight from where I am directly to dentures at the age of 70.
@Juggzy Iced, or filled?

leashless You know who Julian Assange looks just like? Wrongest thing you’ll see all day: http://imgur.com/Fmf4Y
@ahnlak @R2UK Well, I went up to 3.1 with no issues, if that helps. And since I went multisite that means I did three blogs with one click!
Hurrah for casual wear days in the office!
@caitlinmoran Now that’s a sport I’d pay to see.
@bexxi I just had a granola pot. It was lovely.
@technex Just a checkup. Never had any work done. :D
@technex We just missed each other! My dentist is at number 1!
@archidave But that’s my extra-friendly smile! Oh. Okay, I get why you’re scared now. *sulks*
@Thehappyfatgirl As does the female hygienist, to be fair…
Lo. I am dentisted. http://plixi.com/p/79830…
@Thehappyfatgirl Hey, enough beer and I’m anyone’s weirdo. But not at 9am :)
@Thehappyfatgirl Oddly, I’m in the dentist, too. But I am not a starey weirdo. Or at least, not *your* starey weirdo.
@csoanes Yes, but we’ve already established that you’re a batshit-crazy antemeridial masochist and I am a serene civilised person, dear.
Up early for the dentist. Oh well, they mostly just take a cursory glance and tell me I’m fine. Still no fillings!
@codepo8 Odd. I didn’t need to do anything; it just worked right out of the box: http://emberapp.com/goth…