Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 4th, 2011

@redddwings On past experience, I’m not entirely convinced it matters that much!

via Echofon in reply to other_red

Just booked a ticket to see the illustrious Mr. Doherty in May. Always assuming he’s not in prison. Still, it’s the chance you take…

via Echofon

@BoingBoing Hey, is there a way of getting the averts out of the way of the video _apart_ from installing Chrome?

via Echofon

@ShabbyBean Best offer I’ve had all day! ;) Out of the stuffy office until Tuesday now, thank goodness…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ShabbyBean

I need to work somewhere where if it’s too hot in the office in February, you’re allowed to OPEN A WINDOW.

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@tsunimee No, if it had been you, I’ve have expected a nice ass.

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@stillawake Ah! Right. Well, it’s not terribly thrilling; mostly just an exercise log: http://mattgetsrunning.c…

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@stillawake I didn’t approve it. It was at the infantile level, not the “actually has anything to say” level.

via Echofon in reply to stillawake

Hmm. Just had an abusive comment on my running blog from someone at Aedas architecture. Why does that name ring a bell?

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@paulahillier I’ll do it if you’ll stump up the cash to send me somewhere sunny!

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