@meemalee Not so much in the show. Very different. Both good, though.
@meemalee Rigg and Thorson, primarily :)
@Bristol_flickL Too knackered. Will pop along soon, though.
@meemalee Any random escapist stuff, really. It’s my weakness. Fringe. NCIS. Often old stuff: Avengers, Blake’s 7.
@meemalee Ooops. That last tweet was meant to be from me. Sorry. Keyboard error.
@meemalee Actually, Micmacs is one of the other few I’ve seen. Have lovefilm, but have a real problem getting around to watching features.
@meemalee It’s very good, isn’t it? One of the few films I’ve watched in the last few years #filmfailure
Having my own little wine and cheese party. Okay, it’s mostly a wine party. #doesexactlywhatitsaysonthebottle http://twitpic.com/3yrpf6
@tsunimee I don’t know what you mean. :) http://twitpic.com/3yrp3p
@tsunimee Photographers go mad for the blurriness. Called “bokeh”: http://en.wikipedia.org/…
@tsunimee Mmm. Depth of field. Larger lens aperture = less depth of field = little slice of scene in focus, rest out of focus.
Coding. Which is just as well, as Wycliffe is clearly Frost for the clinically depressed. #tv
@dailybooth Have you done something odd to the camera handling? Both my cameras are in the wrong aspect ratio on the Snap page now…
@Swishrelic Yes; they’ll probably get Zeiss to make the fold-out keyboard.
Doing the “iPod shuffle”, where I walk with short careful steps to avoid jiggling the buggered headphone cable and killing the left channel.
@Swishrelic I just fear we’ll end up with a phone with the usability of the N73 combined with the street-cred of the Kin.
Mmmm. Just had lunch at Sourdough Cafe and walked away with bonus experimental chai. It’s lovely :) #bristol
Microsoft and Nokia? I’m now looking forward to the Microsoft Nokia 9889 Windows Smart Phone Mobile Platform 7 Phone.