@hayles No. It will literally install a cloud over your house.
@BlackDogDays My faves from the Chocolate Week expo last year :) (thanks, @KaveyF!) Have you seen the new ones? http://bit.ly/gzSePP
@BlackDogDays Mmm. Choc truffles have been on my mind today. I probably should get myself off Charbonnel & Walker’s mailing list. :)
@ahnlak Yes deer.
@davidpatrick @KaveyF @ahnlak For some reason I can only hear that in a Frankie Howard voice.
@ahnlak Alchemy!
mathowie Awesome thread on tips for making the worst possible presentation (there’s a link to slides and video at the end): http://mefi.us/a/176170
@ahnlak Jesus. It’s probably not strong enough to take your mind off itself, either.
@ahnlak Have you done a full-on “which supermarket does the best beer?” review yet?
@ahnlak Not bad, to my uneducated palate, by the way: http://yfrog.com/h67s4whj
@jcroft But are they annoyingly close together still, so you can’t plug a dongle-style thing and anything else at the same time?
@thomashawk Also, does the test page pinpoint a particular Farm? http://www.flickr.com/he…
@thomashawk Reboot your router. & Windows, too, if you’re using that. Something networky is having gyp with a Farm.
@talkie_tim Well, someone will continue them, I’m sure. And if nobody else does, I will.
On a burrito-related note, there now seem to be two new burrito places opening up with half a mile of each other in #bristol. Odd.
How bad does Twitter’s filtering have to be for some of these utterly obviously spammy accounts to still be running?
I like the opening up of the @instapaper API, but I have no idea if I can put an app in the App Store with Apple’s new subscription rules…
*giggle* “wrapped up in her blanket like a fearless little burrito” http://hyperboleandahalf…
artbizness Starting the day with some sad news: Nicholas Courtney aka “The Brigadier” from Classic Dr. Who has passed away: http://is.gd/aCm87H
@WilHarris The Twitter iPhone app is unable to sync with *itself* when it comes to DMs. Marked these read six times on the phone now.
@cmb Might be best to choose a weapon that’s only wieldable with opposable thumbs.
@cmb Just don’t miss. With the whiplash action they can get with their necks, I imagine they’re pretty deadly with a boomerang.
@talkie_tim …not that I compulsively read them, and have had to change screen scraping -> RSS methods three times now, or anything.)
@talkie_tim We need to make sure “I Saw You” and “I’m Sore At You” carry on. And I could give them a bloody RSS feed while I’m there.
@djelibeybi_meg Ah, but reading that, it was the guy who complained who got killed, right? That’s a bad precedent to set…