@hayles I’ve done it a couple of times before. Sometimes it’s lonely, sometimes it’s not. Tonight feels like a good one :)
@WilHarris *slap*
@hayles no, you are not alone. If you see what I mean. Am reading good book and generally chilling out.
Just watched the Christmas Dr. Who. Definitely the best of the new Christmas Specials so far…
@tholder Ah, cool. I tend to be lazy and use whatever pager class comes with whichever framework I’m using this week :)
Hmm. Is it time to get dressed yet, then? Maybe I should go to lunch before everywhere closes…
@bexxi Yay! Still alive is good :)
@ryancarson Looks like Commando to me?
@tholder Do a straight copy, _then_ rewrite it. The copy’ll help make sure you know exactly what it’s doing…
Was planning on doing nothing today. Now remembered I have series one of MacGyver to watch, and know exactly how I’m going to do my nothing.
@nyssapod Doesn’t seem to have helped much, though. Now feel so tired I’m ready to go back to bed. Oh well. Not back at work until Friday!
Blurgh. Woken up by loud music from upstairs neighbours. Ah well, nine hours’ sleep was probably enough, to be fair…
Oooh, just noticed it’s past midnight! Happy December 25th, everyone!
Re-tweeting many people: Don’t forget you can track Santa at NORAD: http://www.noradsanta.or…
I declare the Christmas shopping well and truly over. Anyone I’ve forgotten can have a hug.
@MelKirk Have you ever considered that you might be better off writing people letters?
So I registered the .org version of their .com domain, and posted their spam on it :)
Just got some spam from a scammer, wanting me to register the .com version of my .org domain through them.
@hodgman Say “hi” to Cory Doctorow for us.
@TimElmo Where’s my cake?
Playing with IntenseDebate. Which looks like it’ll be very, very handy…
Oooh. Interesting that the number one Amazon MP3 download is “Hallelujah”. The Jeff Buckley version, that is.
Holy crap. Just realised I haven’t bought _myself_ a Christmas present yet.
@Whatleydude You don’t think the Daily Mail will have sullied their pure, wholesome newspaper with anything as unlikely as a _fact_, do you?
@jacintuk Yup. And I _still_ don’t have enough bloody storage.
@spamvictim Ta. Am trying some config changes to reduce the problem, but may dive on that if not. Now: “Backing up 1,674,548 items”.
Just popped down to a local shop to buy 1TB of storage for £100 at 7pm on a Monday night. Goodness, how things have changed in a decade.
@Phooto Yes, but if it kills my machine for a quarter of every hour it’s not worth it. Wish I could set it to less frequent backups.
@Phooto I take clone backups regularly anyway, and use Mozy for off-site, too. Time Machine is my icing on cake but it’s now annoying me.
Feeling a bit better. Have been processing photos during more lucid moments. This is my favourite from Friday’s gig: http://is.gd/cQXQ
@penelopeelse Afraid not, said the ill person.
@Phooto It’s more that it’s apparently backing up 17,000+ items every hour even when I’ve not been using the machine that’s concerning me!
withing Time Machine would naff off and leave his Mac alone. I HAVEN’T BLOODY CHANGED ANYTHING! STOP IT!
Still not well & can’t sleep. Am selecting photos from Friday night and hoping I’m making rational choices. Annoyed with Lightroom.
@penelopeelse As posted by me in _October_: http://twitpic.com/gi0r
For God’s sake, Time Machine, will you stop bloody backing things up! Nothing’s changed, so why are you running for a quarter of every hour?
Nearly fall on my backside four times on way home, wearing new Merrells. Think “Vibram” may just be another name for “Teflon”.
Did some shopping. Energy gone. Walking home at approx 1mph.
Headache: check. Queasy tummy: check. Right. Clearly the best time to go Christmas shopping. Gah.
Trying to summon the energy to get back to Inbox Zero.
@lilibaloo Could just be coincidence, anyway. I normally have flu jab; work offer it to everyone for free every year.
Man, did I choose the wrong time to walk home. Completely soaked.
@johnfbraun D’uh. Clearly a tcdtngsqssqg is like a klfjffhhfixvixuh, but with two fewer opposable claws.
Ugh. Not feeling too well today. Hope it’s just a reaction to last Friday’s flu jab, and not an actual impending illness.
@boagworld Either you can’t count, or I overslept big-time…
@bobbyllew Is the WLW theme the music from This Life?
Hmm. If I can salvage a good photo from Saturday’s Sail with Santa, there’s a chance I might get it into the Independent on Sunday…
@WilHarris That’s no lunch. That’s a space station!
@leigh but if you believed in them, they’d work!
@davidpatrick i’m hearing of many odd issues, but no problems on my iMac or MacBook so far. He said, crossing his fingers.
So, with OS X 10.5.6 _and_ Lightroom 2.2, how am I going to know who broke what?
@hayles Ironically, you seem to be in need of a Woolworths :( For the cutters, Kitchens at the top of Whiteladies Road is worth a go.
@penelopeelse Entrapment?
@ahnlak Welcome back to connectivity! How was Antarctica, apart from cold, white, and penguin-y?
Hmm. Lots of people tweeting about problems in 10.5.6, but I seem to be okay so far. Bluetooth is okay, for starters, and sync is better…
Fooling around with technology when I should be thinking about Christmas shopping.
@MelKirk Hey, at least the dandruff won’t melt…
Trying out beta of EventBox, Mac social networky client app thingy. Seems to be pretty cute so far.
Oooh. MobileMe sync is now actually properly instantaneous between Macs.
Up and running on OS X 10.5.6. The first twenty seconds have gone well, anyway :)
@rstein Ah well. Hope everything clears up as well as it possibly can!
@taerin Yeah, it was pretty stunning! http://tinyurl.com/5aygvx
http://twitpic.com/t4fn - Yum! Looks like my nearest restaurant is turning Persian.
Okay. Time to do a full backup before I try 10.5.6.
@WilHarris No, it’s been rock solid (and I’ve been hitting it fairly hard with web dev stuff.) Do you all use the same plugin, or something?
@rstein Okay, now that’s just odd. How’s the eye, though?
@leigh oops. Think it is “expresso” in some countries, though, which might explain confusion, was what I was trying to say…
@leigh espresso. I remember by thinking of the coffee being pressed. Think it is “
@foxc Not true. I find that getting 24 hours sleep from Sunday night makes monday mornings quite acceptable.
Gald I didn’t run this broken link checker on anything important, seeing as it inherited my browser cookies then hit all the “delete” links.
@chrismarquardt Ooops! Ignore that last out-of-date question; hadn’t noticed my twitter client was showing old tweets.
@chrismarquardt Why on earth do you need to do that manually?
I’m a geek, yet I’ve never made a video call on a mobile, nor do I know anyone else who has. Strange.
Designing a website using rapid methodology. That is, with pencil and paper, in a cafe, with a latte.
Wat’s faster to start up? The Large Hadron Collider, or Firefox 3?
Hmm. Is wordpress.org down for everyone or just me? Oh, hang on, that reminds me of a handy online utility…
PS: Fellow Twitterers, learn from @boagworld’s experience today: http://tinyurl.com/5vok3s
@boagworld I don’t think you should feel too bad. Your last Twitter disaster was both funny and your fault. This one was neither, I’d say…
Finally home. Today I have watched Darth Vader water-ski, shaken Father Christmas’s hand and bought a duvet. Only one of these was planned.
heading home after a good day. Little Zach was terrified of Santa :( but all good apart from that.
For anyone in Bristol, I can recommend the beef stew from the specials board at the Ferry Station.
I thought *my* day was random until I saw someone water skiing in a Darth Vader outfit in Bristol harbour.
@hayles On a ferry from the centre: http://tinyurl.com/674zhr Going with a couple of friends, their kid and all four grandparents :)
@hayles I’m going to Sail With Santa today :)
@Azhure You on 2.7 yet? I’m playing with it now.
Playing some more with WordPress 2.7.
Home from the last Greek lesson of the term. Now only a few short weeks to learn all the words I should have learned before we start again..
@leolaporte You have an army. I suggest a firing squad.
That’s WordPress beaten into submission. Time for bed now.
Garmin support for OSX rocks. I just transferred all my stored addresses from my old i3 to my shiny new Nuvi in about a second.
@Nose_in_a_book They’ve probably just ripped the “signed for” stuff off the parcel and left it on your doorstep.
http://twitpic.com/rm09 - Waiting for the boat
Bought ticket to an Emmy the Great gig on a whim after seeing a poster last week. Now last.fm is insisting I should like her. And I agree.
Taking advantage of last.fm for the first time in months.
@hayles Sold. Ta!
@hayles Oooh, I’d never heard of Veronica Mars. Worth adding to my LoveFilm list, d’you think? Sounds like my sort of thing…
@hayles “Your trellis is a whore” is probably one of the shorter unique sentences I’ve ever heard…
@talkie_tim no idea personally, but people are saying Firehouse Rotisserie or maybe Cattlemans.
How I love Oracle SQL Developer. By the time it fires up on this 11g database, they’ll have released version 12.
Just heard on a news report that parts of Athens are in ruins. Okay, I know it’s a serious situation out there but still..
Fiddling with WordPress 2.7 RC 1.
Listening to Half Man Half Biscuit, having wasted half my evening by using an underscore instead of a hyphen in a local hostname. Meh.
@pjakobs Aha! It finally loaded. Yes, makes my DSLR animation attempt look decidedly easy http://is.gd/aJk6
@bexxi I had the idea at the end of last year, when I had to spend bloody ages digging through 2007’s pictures from scratch :)
@pjakobs Geez, how many followers do you have? I think you broke dvorak.org…
@bexxi This year I’ve picked a favourite photo of the month every month. Just one to go! http://is.gd/aJem
@clapifyoulikeme hey, are you cold?
@teacherdude CNN? Fantastic! Your riot photos are truly striking. Good luck!
Ugh. If only I could find a time zone to match my body clock.
I actually have completely misplaced a large fan heater, at some point since last winter, in a very small flat. Where the _arse_ is it?
How the hell have I managed to lose a fan-heater in a one-bedroom flat? Hmm?
I’m cold. I haven’t done my exercise yet today. If only I could connect these two facts somehow and come up with a solution…
http://twitpic.com/qx1o - Fantastic knife rack :-)
@penelopeelse Mind-clearing exercises? I use TV for that…
Ugh. Morning all! Where did the day go?
@brownstudies Don’t be too jealous of the lodgings; I’m in a basement a few streets back from the harbourside! Fox was lovely, though :)
Just been accompanied by an urban fox for 100m of my harbourside journey home. Cool!
All set up for a lazy day after a long week, followed by an evening wedding reception.
Lightroom is just the spinning beachball’s way of generating more spinning beachballs.
Just back from the team Christmas meal at Las Iguanas. Haven’t been to Las Iguanas for ages, but it’s still fab.
@litmanlive I thought it was already in the UK? Sure I saw it on UK Amazon.
Awesome light this morning, and it’s not *that* cold, either.
@talkie_tim Sorry, usual story: too knackered after evening class.
I’ve been alternating between study and procrastination all day, and I don’t feel like I’ve achieved much except fatigue.
As well as practising Greek all day, I’m having moussaka for dinner with yogurt for dessert. I may be taking this a little too far…
Taking the day off to practise my Greek. Of course, now want to write Greek flashcard site rather than actually do the work.
A night of music on a boat. Cool!
“A decaf soya latte.” “So, one milky coffee, hold the milk and the coffee?” “Shut up.”
Loving Google’s searchwiki thing, but only for the satisfaction of removing bloody Experts Exchange links from my search results :)
@ryancarson so vote with your feet! If people keep paying, they’ll keep charging.
http://twitpic.com/plvn - Morning all! Good clouds today.
Meh. I remember when the Garmin sat-nav range was simple enough that I could figure out what I wanted to buy.