@_pigeons_ Of course it _would_ be Brian Cox. youtube.com/watch?v=E43-Cf…

Don’t do it, @_pigeons_! pic.twitter.com/aYB9cVbnFW

Last moments of #Bristol sun. pic.twitter.com/9uy1opePon

Underfall light. #igersbristol ift.tt/2gJHSXN pic.twitter.com/ceWKXGXWcy
@BabsBat I used a loyalty card on mine. I’m hoping the tenth time it’ll do it for me for free.

PeteLordAardman And today’s weather report? That’ll be “brrrrrr” @AmazingMorph @aardman @BBCSWWeather V pic.twitter.com/aXLv0IlCk0
@rem Or it could be a remarkable coincidence. I don’t want to know how far you can actually get through the integer..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…is
@Bristol52 Heck yes. I paused a new book recently to read an old familiar favourite in the middle because I was too knackered for novelty!

mekosoff hmmm, i lied, twitter is actually good pic.twitter.com/KW4MV0DnSJ

Vinyl. pic.twitter.com/5yKM4l8Zd2

Shiny and new. pic.twitter.com/pWPuenIb4h
melissagira Harvey Milk wanted free municipal transit in San Francisco. Today is the 38th anniversary of his assassination. Gho..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…su
@_pigeons_ Yours, I think.
@ememess “Actually, take us away from your leader.”

Harbour sunset. #igersbristol ift.tt/2gpcP4g pic.twitter.com/Xhp0fz1N8t

Big wheel sunset. #bristol pic.twitter.com/lQZ3TsBZFV

Stepping out. #igersbristol ift.tt/2gOQ1hK pic.twitter.com/X6abB78v4z

Widescreen Harbour TV. pic.twitter.com/CV3Q9RgCvf
BarristerSecret Likewise, my clients should be assured that Anubis and Osiris will be taking care of my cross-examination this week. twitter.com/thesun/status/…
(When’s _Idiocracy_ on?)
unklerupert “In 2017, after a worldwide economic collapse, American society has become a totalitarian police state, censoring a..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…ln
I didn’t realise they’d legalised marijuana in the White House.

WAIT HERE pic.twitter.com/Sdo6SngPGt
wildwinter Want cheering up? Bill Bailey, Dan Gillespie Sells, Elio Pace, jamming together on Liberace’s piano. Outstanding: m.youtube.com/watch?v=uSFCUa…

Three. pic.twitter.com/r3nLZXuXz5

One man in a boat. pic.twitter.com/Qz0RnngFpA

Been meaning to watch _A Touch of Cloth_ for quite some time. pic.twitter.com/Y6xVQfyp9r
@dangusset A++ WOULD PASTY AGAIN

@dangusset Well, they’re a BA pub… think the pasty will be pretty good, toopic.twitter.com/LeLY5HL5p9p9
@dangusset Palmers Best, and excellently kept. I’m not a Bath Ales fan.
@Bristolvor Merchants Arms. I have, sadly, had to move further from the fire owing to the blaring telly. Otherwise it would be perfect. 🔥 🍻

The Merchants Arms has excellent facilities. pic.twitter.com/rLK8fGJ92U

Beer, book, burny thing. ift.tt/2g3pagO pic.twitter.com/nfPiKk0Bv3
Doctor_Hutch Maybe it’s time to create a government department to deal with fake news. We could call it the Ministry of Truth.

Baltic Blur. pic.twitter.com/D9XyvHFVe1

That moment of rectangularness. #takeaway pic.twitter.com/5sV2mK8aTd

The Pump House gin collection is nearly up to 700, apparently. pic.twitter.com/qmgJxQhIWj

PaulAnnett He pretends to be cute but the bastard is only on the mantlepiece because he pushed everything else off it. pic.twitter.com/SV3PtY8RXH

I’m not sure if this is good marketing or basically a warning label. pic.twitter.com/qeOvo36X7r
@porthjess I had the candles out ready and everything.
@meemalee Ta! I grabbed a Dot earlier today ;)

Brunel Way Beard. ift.tt/2fZGnHQ pic.twitter.com/Nwb3ldOtaE

Some people turn down their DNS TTL to less than an hour for server moves. I prefer the tea-break approach. pic.twitter.com/k8gcgiB57X
Current status: juggling servers. This could all go horribly wrong.
@rivalee They had to put the hidden cameras *somewhere*.
@AlasdairStuart This might actually be the first time it’s true.
@_pigeons_ Guess so. No problems here, but I might just make sure I know the whereabouts of my candles and my book. twitter.com/wpduk/status/8…
*Commits chef repo changes* *Sticks River on NetFlix*
I haven’t been hit by a power cut yet, but given the warnings, this may not be the right night for a server upgrade, UPS notwithstanding…
Sorry. Turned my new electric radiator up to “high”. twitter.com/wpduk/status/8…
Wait until he finds out about Southern Railroad Tycoon, where you mostly just write press releases about strikes…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…OQ
@nigellegg *Looks worriedly at his UPS, that hasn’t been properly tested in years*
It’s important to have a theme for one’s server names. Today I terminated Servalan several times. More than Blake m..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…E7
Aww. Bless you, Scorpio, you old rattletrap. twitter.com/scorpioattackb…
@CharlieEsq_ I’ve been doing cryptic crosswords all day long. It’s like I was warming up for that pun.
@CharlieEsq_ It’s 9 in Roman numerals. And nine is the number… After…
@indiespiritbath @HubrisId @CharlieEsq_ *GROAN*

PERTAYTOE pic.twitter.com/DIw1v9STly
@charwarz Just that they only work on one end of the string, rather than both?
@talkie_tim Timpson’s, Clifton Down. But bear in mind the key type might restrict the patterns available :D
If you thought *your* day was going badly… twitter.com/AHStAmant/stat…
@Harkaway The beginning of the sentence eventually write, you will.
Bloody well hope so, I do. twitter.com/ahnlak/status/…

SPOILER: They do not actually sell well-being, it turns out. pic.twitter.com/TFRZQtY5OR

The force is strong with my new door key. pic.twitter.com/0G3qu49Ihd
@_pigeons_ Wilco.
@_pigeons_ Soz. Opticiansing now.

@Bingo_Little @_pigeons_ I saw these and thought of you! pic.twitter.com/WMOuVrNMeg

These look nice. An they’re low-calorie, because 90% of them will be stuck in my teeth for the rest of my life. pic.twitter.com/FOpmU8aSLZ
It’s a better page recommendation than Facebook normally give me, but I’m not convinced I’d file him under “Scienti..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Z4
@ahnlak The lock’s only died once. The last time, I lost my keys, and after that hassle, thought it might be a good idea to prepare…
On the plus side, the last time anything like this happened, I put the number of a good locksmith in my phone, and now it’s all sorted.
Gah. Only just back in my house after I took a quick shopping trip and returned to find my key no longer worked in my front door.

Cornwallis Windows - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2016/11/23/cor… pic.twitter.com/tuZLuMleLl
@porthjess Someone has surely already invented the gin cookie.
There’s nothing like kicking off an Ubuntu major version upgrade on the wrong server for testing your recovery. *mops brow*

.@JolyonMaugham @TheRickWilson DON’T CROSS THE STREAMS! pic.twitter.com/3Co5KgoGUy
@skeddy I thought that, but given it’s Win XP I assumed if it were on the internet the Russian hackers would’ve cleaned up the log files :D

I’m sorry, but you can’t leave this car park because Windows can’t write a log file. #everythingisawful pic.twitter.com/FY11C21XqW
@_pigeons_ Maybe when my shoes have dried out. 2019 good for you?
@mcelhearn I knew there was a reason they’d been making friends with Cuba.
@mattwritescode Yeah, but it’s just a section in the manual that says, “Have you checked down the back of the sofa, dear?”
Of course, if I’d *remembered* they needed my glasses off I’d have popped in my contacts before I nipped along to the Post Office. Sigh.
@saltwateritch Thank you, that’s a very kind offer.
Dearie me. But I couldn’t be arsed at yet another attempt. Hard to work a photo booth with your glasses off. Bloody..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…aJ
Nipped into Robert Dyas in the Galleries but it turned out I didn’t need any JML advertising TVs or despair.
@waiyeehong *mmmmf* *swallows* *looks guilty*. Erm, no. Not at all. *chewing noises*
@mildbunch Ta!

mattround Hey @jeremycorbyn I made your pic look even more tech-savvy pic.twitter.com/xHxpLle25g
@mildbunch Looks lush. (Where did you get the coffee table?)
Now playing: MSTU’s _Sheffield Shanty_. Might not be appropriate to my location, but definitely to the weather. youtube.com/watch?v=G7JAlP…
I’m not saying it’s wet in Bristol, but I just saw Roy Scheider go past chasing a rubber shark.

PeteLordAardman Over to @AmazingMorph for today’s weather forecast @aardman @bbcweather pic.twitter.com/1LahSmC9dH
@misterbooof It’s a fine old car.

Breaking the fourth wall. pic.twitter.com/A82cfMCHzd

Consul Capri. #igersbristol ift.tt/2g8mT4F pic.twitter.com/rX3Taie57U
@GreatDismal I was thinking that it’s all going a bit Brunner, myself.
@slicknic Well, it worked. And nothing’s died yet.

Underfall advert. pic.twitter.com/1n1GinnTyn

So, have Apple released two versions of 10.1.1, or or can iTunes just not count? #functionalhighground pic.twitter.com/alSJgXDQJF
Ah yes, the lingering aftertaste of wood alcohol. #thearchers
@UrsulaWJ Good to know. Thinking of popping along myself.

What could possibly go wrong. pic.twitter.com/fMOH5y2UbZ
@C_J_Fox @hayles Sorry; don’t know much about free editors. (For free crop/resize I’d just use Preview!)
@psidnell Have you read the books? I think the series is good, but not sure how it would be going in cold.
Right. Back to The Expanse.
@OpinionatedGeek We’ll tell Trump the “B” in “Ark Ship B” stands for “best”, okay?
Paul_Hawkins83 There’s a fucking choir in Morrisons if you’re wonderding how my day is going.
@dangusset @saltwateritch *Quiet voice* Could you please bring that here? I and my hangover desperately need it.

That Time of the Night - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2016/11/18/tha… pic.twitter.com/fMnwS1ovXA
@boagworld (Or in fact the *first* page of any PDF.)
@boagworld Just tried it in Permute and it seems to work fine on *one page* PDFs. software.charliemonroe.net/permute.php

That’s quite a lot of watts. *Puts extra money aside for leccy bill* pic.twitter.com/2eytGVLscw
@rem I think that might increase my worry in the same way that an internet camera decreases it.
@talkie_tim Am thinking of just taking it along to that strange militaria place by BRI, after a suggestion by @mhoulden.
@talkie_tim Which if I were still regularly in places that had those lying around…
@talkie_tim The battery compartment may be big enough for one or two standard batteries and a voltage converter, but I have ENOUGH to do.
@talkie_tim …including, IIRC, a 60 volt batter.
@talkie_tim It *looks* it. The only reason I say defunct is that I have no way of testing it: it takes truly *bizarre* military batteries…
@mhoulden You know, that’s a thought. There’s one of those strange militaria shops near the BRI…
@FioraAeterna @invalidname They should dump the badge and just gradually morph the soaring eagle into an ostrich with its head in the sand.
@iamdanw @cr3 It’s okay; they don’t work very quickly, as they can only travel at a furlong per fortnight.

@carliesorosiak @Harkaway EDITOR ALERT pic.twitter.com/1yaU6Jucfg
Wow, The Libertines have really aged. twitter.com/PTdavelewis/st…
@_pigeons_ Well, there’s topical. ht.ly/n0NT306hrtl
@litmus_pie @bexxi I imagine posting it might be a bit of a nightmare, not least because it’s VERY heavy.
I’m imagining that just throwing it away would lead to Questions Being Asked at the tip.
@OpinionatedGeek It’s so hard to judge the thing when you’ve already read the books. But I’m glad I have!
@jukesie Didn’t seem to be a problem for me. Or the dogged disarray made up for it.
I don’t suppose any of my Bristol followers have a need for a defunct military-surplus geiger counter with a dent i..twitter.com/i/web/status/7…sq
Enjoying the TV adaptation of The Expanse so far. In particular, Miller is… very much Miller ;)
I’m not saying my upstairs neighbours smoke a lot of skunk, but I just got high walking through my bedroom
@word_geek @2grummpy I may go back to saying please. Feels weird not to. Also, might get brownie points come the Singularity.
@meemalee I understand you get an email and a cooling-off period. Not sure if you get the same when hooked up to the local takeaway, mind.
@meemalee That could be dangerous. I’ve not tried “order a hundred packs of chocolate biscuits” yet…
@meemalee Are you enjoying it?
The honeymoon period is over. I have stopped saying “please” to Alexa.
@_pigeons_ This arse. washingtonpost.com/news/the-inter…
@lilydoughball @CharlieEsq_ No. I’d say what it does rhyme with, but then you’d have a notion.
@CharlieEsq_ One would think a senior manager at a major local estate agent might be able to find a private room somewhere.
Hey, big boss dressing down his assistant manager loudly at a table in Coffee #1, maybe *you’re* not exactly being very pro, either.
@UrsulaWJ We really lucked out on Saturday. Went in on a whim and it turned out to be free that day for some reason.
Or, you know, get Ashton Avenue Bridge open again..twitter.com/SaharaNutter/s…Ke
@LadyRowly Thank you, darling x
@WTF4Photography It’s like a little microcosm of Windows in general.
(I have never bought beer from Amazon. But I was drinking one of the pictured beers last night. *Gives algorithm suspicious side-eye*)

In some ways, Amazon knows me astoundingly well. In other ways, I have to wonder..pic.twitter.com/BYQUfHU13b3b
@caldersidecook Oh! Having looked it up, someone has definitely recommended Y Gwyll to me before. I’ll pop it on the rental list.
cf. “alt-right” vs. “neo-nazi”. twitter.com/DonalkCoffey/s…

The Echo has some of the best Q&As I’ve seen on Amazon. pic.twitter.com/gNMX8Mrqxe

Saved by the post! #coffee ift.tt/2eF9zEY pic.twitter.com/21ONFXOPXa
I think I have update fatigue. Considering making a presentation about how I’ve never ever used PowerPoint and neve..twitter.com/i/web/status/7…X0
@CharlieEsq_ Sometimes it’s okay to quietly disrespect someone’s views 😚
@caldersidecook Well it’s certainly got some gorgeous scenery. Never heard of Y Gwyll; will look it up, ta.
Who was it recommended Happy Valley to me? Ploughing through it at quite a rate. But I’m not sure it’s making me “happy”, exactly!
@aallan Hah! It seems we have a new product category: physical sarcasm.
@AlasdairStuart But I thought they said that couldn’t be done?
(Yes, of *course* there is an Etsy category for the terrifying water caltrop. etsy.com/market/caltrop)
And Alana was never seen again. twitter.com/AlanaMassey/st…
@ccMick Sadly not. Though if I could scrape five of them together I’d have enough for an Echo Dot 😀
@ccMick Also: holy moley; these things are going on eBay for a tenner each.

@ccMick I’ll see you, and I’ll raise you :D pic.twitter.com/KTGgiWchWj
@YodelOnline Done. Note: I *received* the parcel. But the parcel and contents were both dented, the same as *last week’s* parcel.
Waited in all day today because @YodelOnline managed to bend a steel radiator last week. At least they’re consisten..twitter.com/i/web/status/7…SY
JolyonMaugham A Boris Fact (independent.co.uk/news/uk/politi…) compared with an Actual Fact (from the Treaty establishing the EEC, 1957..twitter.com/i/web/status/7…4Z
Have reached that stage where I’m not even pretending to do anything useful, but am simply actively waiting in for a parcel.
siracusa Sometimes I find myself remembering that Harrison Ford isn’t actually dead.
@FreemanAmii @Everymancinema Looks down from here, too.
@dave_ja I would assume it’s achieved sentience and was trying to communicate, but I fell that’s unlikely for Adobe software.
dave_ja Illustrator just locked up and started creating duplicating new shapes like that ol’ draggy windows error on ’95. S..twitter.com/i/web/status/7…Mn

Peeking through. pic.twitter.com/CtTNcBt0o8
Criminals are easily recognisable due to their low resolution and obvious JPEG artefacting.
@ovationchris Either way you’ll end up with a slippery arse.
aallan Someone just sent an email to the entire #NHS, all 1.2 million staff, and people are hitting “Reply All.” That’s not going to go well.

SFbookclub Posted without comment pic.twitter.com/SrVoCpTvtv

dowiejohn Poem: “Woebegone.” This really happened. Not to me, but it did happen… pic.twitter.com/d4fYPvxTrJ
@rem Only time it had a wobbly was that massive DDOS attack we had.
@rem Working fine here with Amazon music. Been playing for hours daily, for many weeks.
@mcelhearn Yeah. When I heard that type of popover called a “doorslam” I immediately knew why.
Gah! Hadn’t realised that #thearchers was on early. Will have to listen to the first half out of order.
It’s all right, Soosan, there’s always Photoshop. #thearchers