@_pigeons_ Guess so. No problems here, but I might just make sure I know the whereabouts of my candles and my book. twitter.com/wpduk/status/8…
*Commits chef repo changes* *Sticks River on NetFlix*
I haven’t been hit by a power cut yet, but given the warnings, this may not be the right night for a server upgrade, UPS notwithstanding…
Sorry. Turned my new electric radiator up to “high”. twitter.com/wpduk/status/8…
Wait until he finds out about Southern Railroad Tycoon, where you mostly just write press releases about strikes…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…OQ
@nigellegg *Looks worriedly at his UPS, that hasn’t been properly tested in years*
It’s important to have a theme for one’s server names. Today I terminated Servalan several times. More than Blake m..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…E7
Aww. Bless you, Scorpio, you old rattletrap. twitter.com/scorpioattackb…
@CharlieEsq_ I’ve been doing cryptic crosswords all day long. It’s like I was warming up for that pun.
@CharlieEsq_ It’s 9 in Roman numerals. And nine is the number… After…
@indiespiritbath @HubrisId @CharlieEsq_ *GROAN*

PERTAYTOE pic.twitter.com/DIw1v9STly
@charwarz Just that they only work on one end of the string, rather than both?
@talkie_tim Timpson’s, Clifton Down. But bear in mind the key type might restrict the patterns available :D
If you thought *your* day was going badly… twitter.com/AHStAmant/stat…
@Harkaway The beginning of the sentence eventually write, you will.
Bloody well hope so, I do. twitter.com/ahnlak/status/…

SPOILER: They do not actually sell well-being, it turns out. pic.twitter.com/TFRZQtY5OR

The force is strong with my new door key. pic.twitter.com/0G3qu49Ihd
@_pigeons_ Wilco.
@_pigeons_ Soz. Opticiansing now.

@Bingo_Little @_pigeons_ I saw these and thought of you! pic.twitter.com/WMOuVrNMeg

These look nice. An they’re low-calorie, because 90% of them will be stuck in my teeth for the rest of my life. pic.twitter.com/FOpmU8aSLZ
It’s a better page recommendation than Facebook normally give me, but I’m not convinced I’d file him under “Scienti..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Z4