That Time of the Night - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2016/11/18/tha… pic.twitter.com/fMnwS1ovXA
@boagworld (Or in fact the *first* page of any PDF.)
@boagworld Just tried it in Permute and it seems to work fine on *one page* PDFs. software.charliemonroe.net/permute.php

That’s quite a lot of watts. *Puts extra money aside for leccy bill* pic.twitter.com/2eytGVLscw
@rem I think that might increase my worry in the same way that an internet camera decreases it.
@talkie_tim Am thinking of just taking it along to that strange militaria place by BRI, after a suggestion by @mhoulden.
@talkie_tim Which if I were still regularly in places that had those lying around…
@talkie_tim The battery compartment may be big enough for one or two standard batteries and a voltage converter, but I have ENOUGH to do.
@talkie_tim …including, IIRC, a 60 volt batter.
@talkie_tim It *looks* it. The only reason I say defunct is that I have no way of testing it: it takes truly *bizarre* military batteries…
@mhoulden You know, that’s a thought. There’s one of those strange militaria shops near the BRI…
@FioraAeterna @invalidname They should dump the badge and just gradually morph the soaring eagle into an ostrich with its head in the sand.
@iamdanw @cr3 It’s okay; they don’t work very quickly, as they can only travel at a furlong per fortnight.

@carliesorosiak @Harkaway EDITOR ALERT pic.twitter.com/1yaU6Jucfg
Wow, The Libertines have really aged. twitter.com/PTdavelewis/st…
@_pigeons_ Well, there’s topical. ht.ly/n0NT306hrtl
@litmus_pie @bexxi I imagine posting it might be a bit of a nightmare, not least because it’s VERY heavy.
I’m imagining that just throwing it away would lead to Questions Being Asked at the tip.
@OpinionatedGeek It’s so hard to judge the thing when you’ve already read the books. But I’m glad I have!
@jukesie Didn’t seem to be a problem for me. Or the dogged disarray made up for it.
I don’t suppose any of my Bristol followers have a need for a defunct military-surplus geiger counter with a dent i..twitter.com/i/web/status/7…sq