Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 1st, 2016

amazingradio Our Album of the Week is the fantastic Babes Never Die by @yumhoneyblood. Hear the album uninterrupted Friday…EX

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@Pinboard Just re-tagged all my “osx” bookmarks with “macos”. Thank you for making that both easy and obvious!

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Sneaking a peek when you walk through Underfall Yard.

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@anna_debenham Were you, by any chance, crouched behind the sofa with the lights out and your fingers in your ears?

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@UrsulaWJ I’m starting to understand some of those estate agent photos now.…

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Well what *else* would it target? Sofa Warehouse?

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@UrsulaWJ Presumably they’re hoping we cave in. “Oh, go on then, I’ll try a different make of oven light. And do you have any in purple?”

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The Singularity cannot come quickly enough.

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“You bought a replacement light bulb for your oven. Would you be interested in more replacement bulbs for your oven?” Christ.

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@MsAshleyDavies @MittenDAmour Whereas Voltarol sounds more like French gymnastics.

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@absurd_tech @WeatherAPI Ah; glad it’s not just me. Can see the website, but getting timeouts on the API.

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RonanRant Holy Hell. Take a bow @TG4TV take a bow.

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