On the minus side, poor Chloë Annett didn’t have much in the way of great lines to work with, did she?

Re-watching Red Dwarf. I had forgotten the full glory of The Rimmer Experience. pic.twitter.com/jLUwRQbKQx
@tithenai They are GREEN and therefore entirely healthy.

Tillos. @ Rocotillos instagram.com/p/BMt-JHfgBPR/

Staffordshire Hoard - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2016/11/12/sta… pic.twitter.com/h9ymBukYam

dustytrink The person ahead of me at the checkout left their receipt behind. A dark afternoon stretching out ahead of them. pic.twitter.com/7EdwNkW5fH
@jonhickman Got to be the Eagle.