jenp33333 I just want to find a job that doesn’t involve fluorescent lighting.
Spy_Stations Woman probably from buzzer staff can be heard two times while marker is on…
theworldofcrap Stop trying to convince me that “healthy food is yummy”. There’s a reason no one ever has a birthday lettuce.

Number Nineteen

This weekend, I have mostly been in Clovelly.
@antimitch You know, as I was typing that I was thinking you didn’t. Bah. Well, in that case I’m out of Swindon tips.
@antimitch Yeah. Though I did hear a tip from a Swindon friend recently: try Darkroom Espresso in preference to anywhere else for coffee.
@antimitch I worked there for three years. Some of the people are actually lovely. Not an enormous fan of the architecture.
antimitchy I’m still in Swindon. Send help. It’s horrid. I need a tetanus jab.
@archidave Clifton sorting office?
peteholmes “if you’ll be my bodyguard, i will be your long lost pal.”
“that’s not a fair trade.”
“hear me out it gets weirder.”
@DrMatthewSweet @Bristolvor “Porsche poverty”?
ghostfinder Absolutely true. People, BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS! Preferably to several drives and/or services, automatically.…
Oh, it’s her from _Safety Not Guaranteed_!
mehdirhasan “Muslim woman accused of ‘bombing Metro’ thanks passengers who forced thug off the train” >> I miss the UK!…
In other news, I need at least two more verses before this song turns into an actual song.
@seb_ly Congratulations on evoking one of my geekiest thoughts ever: “Aww! I have those wire cutters, too…”
@hayles I’m at sixteen minutes and thirty two seconds.
Second attempt at getting into Parks & Rec. Not sure I’m going to make it much further this time around.

End of a long week. Happily I have some local produce in the

Everyday carry. #fujifilm
@AlasdairStuart Peggy Carter? I thought she was in _The Archers_. I’m a bit out of touch with the whole superhero scene, clearly.
@hayles Various causes, various symptoms. *Dodges around a few incoherent raging screamers*
Bristol seems extra-characterful this evening.
@hayles Eyeing up alternatives first. I already have a Synology I could put Surveillance Station app on and maybe save a monthly fee.
@hayles That Nest Cam is down to £120 and I’m even more tempted.

How can we take something dreadful and make it even worse?
Do you hate those faux-choice marketing “questions”?
@Shonette Ooh, was talking to colleague about new @theoxbristol earlier. About five minutes from work for me at the mo :)
RWAing. #igersbristol #bristol @ Royal West of England Academy
Scary bright but tastes amazing :) @ Souk Kitchen
@Shonette @jamesainsworth Just wait until the crossover disaster of cocktails served on slates.
JeffBezos The rarest of beasts - a used rocket. Controlled landing not easy, but done right, can look easy. Check out video:
@SimpleLampoon That weird one that comes with every camera that you put in a drawer and never use.
It seems surprisingly hard to find pancetta in this town.
@ahnlak @richardjfoster <Jack O’Neill voice>It’s what I do.</Jack O’Neill voice>

dangusset Did the Google car get hooded in Salford?…
Another week, another @wessexbus 505 where I have to flag it down and ask what bus it is because the signs aren’t working. #buslife
@tmoitie @chrsgrrtt Yeah, but they’d give up looking for their sword after they’d hunted fruitlessly through the first few tables.
SEO spam email starting “I found your details from a Google search…” Well, I guess I don’t need your help, then.
Easybourne @gothick I use exactly this tactic. I toyed with keeping butter in the living room, but visitors were bewildered by this.

mjmalone “Random” noise from Math.random() in Safari (top) and Chrome (bottom). More details at…
The time of year when I switch to “Spreads straight from the fridge” butter as it also means “spreads in the kitchen of a draughty old flat”
Homeless guy in a doorway, his old transistor set blasting out a cheery Christmas advert for comfy mattresses. #clifton
Ah, a morning off, booked purely for the purpose of having a morning off. *Sips coffee while still wearing bathrobe at 10:45*
@charlie_cat_esq Well, you’ve got to go with your gut on brunch :D
@charlie_cat_esq Might be worth sticking your head through the door and judging atmos, with Stock as a fallback, at least!
@charlie_cat_esq Stock Bakery good, but if I were anywhere near the Centre I’d probably see what Colston Street Rosemarino is like.
@charlie_cat_esq On North Street my favourite brunch might be Souk, but I’m ususally with someone there. Not sure how it is solo.
@charlie_cat_esq Zazu’s is good. Only place to rival it for brunch near me is Rosemarino, I’d say.
@charlie_cat_esq Given that those are often my requirements, I’d love to know which one you pick :)
@ahnlak Nah, it’s just a sign that you’re not doing enough Cool New Stuff. Why aren’t your wesites delivering 4K video with Node.js? :)
@ahnlak You got a new PC? Wow! I thought you were planning on struggling through until 2025…

70s_party A meal fit for a king

These pencil bollards are ace. #bristol #sentencesididnotexpecttosaytoday
@archidave *blows raspberry*

Picked up a beautiful woman in a shop yesterday.

petapixel Photos of Darth Vader’s rather ordinary daily life:
@antimitch “You’re late, Mitch.” “Sausage muffins, Your Majesty.” “Fair play, Mitch. Carry on.”
@antimitch Surely “sausage muffins” is an adequate excuse for being late in any situation.
mousedogbaby This is pretty much the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.…
TheWriteMunz “Pooh?” said Piglet.
“Yes, Piglet?” said Pooh.
“Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra,” said Piglet.
“Shaka, when the walls fell,” said Pooh.

Don’t forget.
This is a very eyebrow-heavy episode. #DoctorWho

Shame I only snapped the Eton Mess, because the tapas mains at New Moon Cafe were also bloody splendid. #bristol

Framing decisions.

Lovely exhibition in hidden gem Centrespace at the moment, #bristol. Just off Corn Street.

JohnChickOH my baking pan could totally be the album art for any shitty 2000’s rock band and I can prove it
Woo! Some post from @theindelicates. Always fun :)
She’s something of an extravagance, but I don’t indulge myself in this way very often.
📷 Oui! Oui! Oui! Anna, Boyces Avenue, Clifton Village.
Patent Impervious Paving #igersbristol
susie_dent Huffle-buffs: a Scottish term for the comfy old clothes you slip on at the weekend and intend to lounge around in until further notice.

GiveMeInternet This GIF illustrates why your phone camera takes weird photos of spinning propellers.
@ahnlak Especially considering that my local is now a craft beer pub, yes.
Serious Cheese.
Managed to wrest myself away from the pub before the stage of full-on drunkenness.

Well, if you insist. #bristol @AdamAndEveBrist

Well, if you
The milk stout is some small compensation for the awfulness of life.

Mis-timed the ferry so now I *have* to wait at @No1Harbourside for 20 mins. #hardlife #bristol
Police helicopter seems to be adding an air of oppression to the Centre tonight. #Bristol
And that was after I corrected it the first time. Is “spoiling” not in the iOS dictionary?…
Dirty Pretty Things followed by Transvision Vamp. Cafe radio, you are really spooling me.
@mattgemmell They’re really well thought-out for power users, eg you can hold a file drag while also swiping between desktops.
Nearly missed the bus because it turned up on time. The dangers of new driver training. #buslife
@hayles Sounds good. Bit worried after burglary down the road. Geeky precautions beckon.
First attempt at a leftovers-consuming puttanesca coming up…
If I got a Nest Cam I wonder if it would cramp my wandering-around-the-house-talking-to-myself style.

verge Withings tries to mix luxury and everyday style with $170 Activité Steel…
@UrsulaWJ Yeah. House three doors down from me was burgled on Monday. Not had that for a while :(
Nothing like an emergency stop on a roundabout to get your heart started in the morning. #buslife
@AndrewCollins Not entirely convinced that 60% of Britons could point to Syria on a map.
@kiliszekk Lansdown Road? That particular strip seems to generate good photos more often than the average street…
@brentsimmons Is that actually legit? The way Apple Mail marked it as spam and it had a failed DKIM header rather put me off…
dangusset I have been in a lot of charity shops in my time but this is the first I’ve seen with a Spitfire fuselage
SMCoulombeau Cos she’s called Isis. Oh Facebook.…

*Goes a bit mad with the processing*
@labfoo I dare say I’ll cock up at some point despite all my backups and checks.

This is my most recent quick-test-shot-before-I-leave-the-house. I’m a fan of indoor ivy.
@labfoo Ooopsie. I am also paranoid enough to have a spare in my habitually-carried rucksack. Only because I’ve learned the hard way!
labfoo .@gothick said every time he takes his camera out he takes a test shot to check he had his SD card. Wish I remembered that advice tonight :(
MarianneLevy Bin night tonight, people for whom tonight is bin night.
@MarianneLevy @Gary_Bainbridge That was a surprisingly helpful reminder.
goldengateblond Before Facebook, stupid opinions could only be expressed in emails with subject lines that begin FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: FW

OxfordWords Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2015 is… 😂
@MResponsively Spray paint it black and see if anything nearby stops working.
Bingo_Little Sign you may be going to the coffee shop a tad too often - a variation on your order causes a slight panicked flurry….. I blame @gothick
@wolfl Good. Hope you enjoyed your trip :)
@wolfl Cool. Did you find that out in time to be useful?
@Flickr One from earlier this month in Bristol’s Avon Gorge #TwitterTuesday #Mist

poshaughnessy Lifetime of a #nodejs project

pattonoswalt Maybe the greatest Facebook comment ever. Per. Fec. Tion.
The @travelwestEng bus checker app tells there’s a bus along in 2 mins. Their electronic bus stop says 30 mins. Which to believe..#buslifefe

@flexibits Aloha. Is 890MB a normal memory usage for Fantastical OS X? My old Air is struggling!
@missmcq Unless someone puts a barrel of cream on tap I figure they’re unlikely to be interested.

@getinthesea Here is a photo I took of some of this magnificent’s pub rules. Please may it leave the sea now?

StarTribune How to ‘catify’ your home with feline-friendly design for better behavior
Hayleystevens Does anyone have recommendations for decent USB to VGA cables that a) work b) work c) work
parryphernalia @gothick I love it when a flan comes together…
@Bristolvor Only time will tell ;)

I appear to have successfully flanned.
Take it to the bridge.
*Brian*’s seen Mad Max? #thearchers

TomButler Never judge a book by its cover, apart from Brian Blessed’s which, going by this, is a masterpiece
ememess I ****ing love the French. God bless your no-crap-taking, cigarette-smoking hearts:…
@ismh Did it follow up with “Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.”?
Certainly among the more disturbing Windows messages I’ve seen.…
@NikaHarper Could we return to the more old-fashioned “grow up” that “man up” seems to have supplanted?
@imyke If it’s any help, I find Amazon’s own “Basics” line of those pretty cheap and much more robust. Replaced most of my Apple ones now.
Counter jars. @ Baristas Coffee

Tea timer.


petapixel Photos of strange trees in Poland’s ‘Crooked Forest’:
@richardjfoster @petedrinks They’re on another side of the pillar!
Walking home from the Bag of Nails to find Hotwells Fried Chicken is closed. Not sure if that’s a blessing or a curse.
@AndrewCollins Hmm. Sounds like Quiller. I’m in.

At that time of th night.

Cat appears to have adopted my feet and my friend Claire’s rucksack at the Bag of Nails.

Bag o’ Nails.
simonblackwell Passed a pop-up something on the South Bank. Couldn’t work out what it was. Googled them. None the fucking wiser.
The voice of Siri just followed me on Twitter. I think we’ve reached peak First World.
daringfireball Popular Instagram Client ‘InstaAgent’ Is Password-Collecting Malware:…
@wolfl …more flexible rental places once you’re out of the corporate stubbornness of an airport, too. Have a lovely time!
@wolfl :( Well, at least you’re in an exceptionally walkable city, from my (Guinness-fogged) memory. You might find…
@wolfl You staying in Dublin itself?
@wolfl Bugger. That’s me out of suggestions, sorry. Good luck!
@wolfl Tried Budget?
Susarella Trying to find #ukulele chords for Brass in Pocket by The Pretenders to no avail? Can anyone #help ? Ideally need tabs with chord diagrams?
Time for a change.

There seems to be a crack in my G-string.
OwensDamien Donald Trump looks like the nasty businessman in a Disney movie who loses out to a six year-old and his dog.
Worrying headline to read while watching Stargate: SG1.…
@mhoulden That would at least give me change to buy another few houses.
The driver could do with improving his “you’ll have to push the door open” mime. Most people are reading it as “GO AWAY.” #buslife
@shezza_t And this “it’d be okay if you ripped it out and started again” two-bed terraced in my second-favourite area? £300,000. Sigh.
@chris_coys Squelch.
@hayles YES. Or to put it another way, NO.
@Bristolvor Looking at Bedmo, too. Still quite a lot of savings needed.
@charlie_cat_esq Well, indeed. I’d need enough money left over for a crowbar, a flamethrower and quite a lot of tiles.
@charlie_cat_esq And yet I still can’t afford it.
@Bristolvor That beautifully-proportioned bathroom is in Southville. A two-bedroom house for a mere “Offers in excess of £300,000”…
@wordsfromluke Well, indeed. And the proportions aren’t exactly perfect, either…
@Bristolvor Been thinking about it for years but basically I want a two bedroom house, and to stay in Hotwells, which is impossible combo ;(

Looking at RightMove and getting depressed by prices. Not sure this bathroom would lighten my mood, either.
@kstallett @ShaneHudson No new issues for me. Networking seems more solid.
@ShaneHudson Nice. I’ve seen that as a result of wild JavaScript triggering mailto links, but not for a long time.
@charlie_cat_esq Hard, though, because the jobs that don’t matter are the one that pay the most.
@charlie_cat_esq Some of my jobs matter. Some don’t. Gradually trying to transition to more of the former…
@guriben As you should be. I was listening to Richard Coles before I ever read William Gibson.
@guriben Yah. Woke up to find 85 Twitter notifications on my phone. *turns off*
Just watched Shaun the Sheep. Ace, if a tad implausible in places. I mean. A bus? In the countryside? At night?
@talithahg Good point! I should probably put it on …
📷 Given how close I live to the Pump House, it’s a real shame I don’t really like gin. I can still…
@uliwitness I have the advantage that it’s a corporate day job for me, so usually someone else has already built a full dev PC image.
@uliwitness I find Microsoft’s development tools among their best products, though like most they can feel impenetrable at first.

My lift home.
Mother and child #igersbristol

Just been treated to a glockenspiel rendition of “Who do you think you are kidding, Mr. Hitler?” :)

PoppyLegion Kings African Rifles gather at Horse Guards, ready for the #RemembranceSunday march-past. Will you be watching?

MyDaughtersArmy Johns Hopkins gives Honorary Master’s Degree to service dog after attending every one of his owner’s classes.

TheColonial I’d like to add you to my professional network on Linked In.

Anyway. Yes, mornin’ all!

You could be there a while, mind.

Between the Pines…
@headfirstonly …which I have never seen. I am very under-filmed.

@headfirstonly I am yet to see much in the way of CGI.
Right then. Film night. Tonight it’s _Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain_.

Little by little, clearing out the storage unit.

Two Brunel Bridges
You will insist on dredging things up.
Big-bearded shining-eyed guy walking down North Street muttering, “Brand awareness, brand awareness.” Feel like I’m in a @GreatDismal novel.