@tmoitie @chrsgrrtt Yeah, but they’d give up looking for their sword after they’d hunted fruitlessly through the first few tables.
SEO spam email starting “I found your details from a Google search…” Well, I guess I don’t need your help, then.
Easybourne @gothick I use exactly this tactic. I toyed with keeping butter in the living room, but visitors were bewildered by this.

mjmalone “Random” noise from Math.random() in Safari (top) and Chrome (bottom). More details at medium.com/@betable/tifu-… pic.twitter.com/hdSNy6rCHR
The time of year when I switch to “Spreads straight from the fridge” butter as it also means “spreads in the kitchen of a draughty old flat”
Homeless guy in a doorway, his old transistor set blasting out a cheery Christmas advert for comfy mattresses. #clifton
Ah, a morning off, booked purely for the purpose of having a morning off. *Sips coffee while still wearing bathrobe at 10:45*
@charlie_cat_esq Well, you’ve got to go with your gut on brunch :D
@charlie_cat_esq Might be worth sticking your head through the door and judging atmos, with Stock as a fallback, at least!
@charlie_cat_esq Stock Bakery good, but if I were anywhere near the Centre I’d probably see what Colston Street Rosemarino is like.
@charlie_cat_esq On North Street my favourite brunch might be Souk, but I’m ususally with someone there. Not sure how it is solo.
@charlie_cat_esq Zazu’s is good. Only place to rival it for brunch near me is Rosemarino, I’d say.
@charlie_cat_esq Given that those are often my requirements, I’d love to know which one you pick :)
@ahnlak Nah, it’s just a sign that you’re not doing enough Cool New Stuff. Why aren’t your wesites delivering 4K video with Node.js? :)
@ahnlak You got a new PC? Wow! I thought you were planning on struggling through until 2025…