Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 21st, 2015

TheWriteMunz “Pooh?” said Piglet.
“Yes, Piglet?” said Pooh.
“Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra,” said Piglet.
“Shaka, when the walls fell,” said Pooh.

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This is a very eyebrow-heavy episode.

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Shame I only snapped the Eton Mess, because the tapas mains at New Moon Cafe were also bloody splendid.

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Lovely exhibition in hidden gem Centrespace at the moment, . Just off Corn Street.

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JohnChickOH my baking pan could totally be the album art for any shitty 2000’s rock band and I can prove it

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She’s something of an extravagance, but I don’t indulge myself in this way very often.

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📷 Oui! Oui! Oui! Anna, Boyces Avenue, Clifton Village.

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susie_dent Huffle-buffs: a Scottish term for the comfy old clothes you slip on at the weekend and intend to lounge around in until further notice.

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GiveMeInternet This GIF illustrates why your phone camera takes weird photos of spinning propellers.

via givemeinternet (retweeted on 7:44 AM, Nov 21st, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)