@antimitch You know, as I was typing that I was thinking you didn’t. Bah. Well, in that case I’m out of Swindon tips.
@antimitch Yeah. Though I did hear a tip from a Swindon friend recently: try Darkroom Espresso in preference to anywhere else for coffee.
@antimitch I worked there for three years. Some of the people are actually lovely. Not an enormous fan of the architecture.
antimitchy I’m still in Swindon. Send help. It’s horrid. I need a tetanus jab.
@archidave Clifton sorting office?
peteholmes “if you’ll be my bodyguard, i will be your long lost pal.”
“that’s not a fair trade.”
“hear me out it gets weirder.”
@DrMatthewSweet @Bristolvor “Porsche poverty”?
ghostfinder Absolutely true. People, BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS! Preferably to several drives and/or services, automatically. twitter.com/sandra_nz/stat…