Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 20th, 2015

@ahnlak Especially considering that my local is now a craft beer pub, yes.

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Managed to wrest myself away from the pub before the stage of full-on drunkenness.

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The milk stout is some small compensation for the awfulness of life.

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Mis-timed the ferry so now I *have* to wait at @No1Harbourside for 20 mins.

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Police helicopter seems to be adding an air of oppression to the Centre tonight.

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And that was after I corrected it the first time. Is “spoiling” not in the iOS dictionary?…

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Dirty Pretty Things followed by Transvision Vamp. Cafe radio, you are really spooling me.

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@mattgemmell They’re really well thought-out for power users, eg you can hold a file drag while also swiping between desktops.

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Nearly missed the bus because it turned up on time. The dangers of new driver training.

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