@ahnlak Especially considering that my local is now a craft beer pub, yes.
Serious Cheese. instagram.com/p/-UbH-qJC8k/
Managed to wrest myself away from the pub before the stage of full-on drunkenness.

Well, if you insist. #bristol @AdamAndEveBrist pic.twitter.com/jyhbHaQXtY

Well, if you insist..@AdamAndEveBristspic.twitter.com/HiTqwIGUd7d7
The milk stout is some small compensation for the awfulness of life.

Mis-timed the ferry so now I *have* to wait at @No1Harbourside for 20 mins. #hardlife #bristol pic.twitter.com/7OzjIrUiWd
Police helicopter seems to be adding an air of oppression to the Centre tonight. #Bristol
And that was after I corrected it the first time. Is “spoiling” not in the iOS dictionary? twitter.com/domwakeling/st…
Dirty Pretty Things followed by Transvision Vamp. Cafe radio, you are really spooling me.
@mattgemmell They’re really well thought-out for power users, eg you can hold a file drag while also swiping between desktops.
Nearly missed the bus because it turned up on time. The dangers of new driver training. #buslife