@Easybourne “I WANNA PAY WITH *STRING!*”
robjmills Sometimes I press the keys extra hard just to make double-sure the cache is clear
@ahnlak @Juggzy @DrHairbear @JustinOwen I ain’t goin’ down for this, rozzer. You’ll never take me alive.
@says_arline :( Looks like I’m going to be in London on 7 Sep now (didn’t realise Proms in the Park date would clash…)
@ahnlak @Juggzy @DrHairbear @JustinOwen I HAVEN’T STRESSED MY BASIL!
@Mouse_House Just a bit up and down right now. Also, friend and her cat are moving in for a month starting today. Could be a bit odd.
@ahnlak @Juggzy @DrHairbear @JustinOwen (It is just one I’ve looked after unusually well since buying it from the Co-Op…)
.@ahnlak @Juggzy @DrHairbear @JustinOwen Awww. Poor basil. Should I really cut its flowers off? Maybe I’ll let nature take its course.
Oh! Never seen my basil flower before. Must be doing something right. instagram.com/p/cboaulpC3A/
If we have to have a Great Firewall of China, could it at least keep the botnets in as well as keeping freedom out? *wrings out apache log*
@MartinSketchley I’ve heard of it a *lot*, but never tried it. Though I think I’m covering a lot of bases with TextExpander and Alfred.

CodeKit, you wag. pic.twitter.com/zdfV3UQuGl
@mySpacecraft You haven’t been hacked, have you? Just got a DM from you with a tinyurl link; looks suspicious.
Looking forward to seeing all the parodies of The Sun’s front cover on Twitter tomorrow.
@faerietalefoody I’m slightly surprised it’s not dispensing it yet, let alone spelling it.
(I’m not actually at the Ostrich in the sunshine right now. I just hadn’t opened Instagram since Sunday…)
Ostrichin’. @ The Ostrich Inn instagram.com/p/cZ_g90JCzE/
@Mouse_House I think I’m okay. Hard to tell at the moment.
“@DevPortalStatus: Videos is now online. developer.apple.com/support/system…” <- At. Sodding. Last.
@Mouse_House Whuh? Gosh. I only turned my back for a minute. Sorry, Mouse. Big things can be easy to miss on here.
@aedison Damn it! @thebatterymovie isn’t available in the UK yet… *puts on a list he’ll probably lose*
@mikelloydjones It probably just means they don’t let people put in a formal application if they’re at all unsure. #weaselwords
@rem It has an Open command? (Nay.)
Note to self: taking a break from programming to read RSS doesn’t actually give your back a rest, idiot.
The Old Reader goes private blog.theoldreader.com/post/567988953… (via 512pixels.net)
@gavinlew @Bristol_Culture @Bristol52 …so I guess they’re not coming back. i-bidder.com/en-gb/auction-…
@gavinlew @Bristol_Culture @Bristol52 I don’t know what happened to the company, but I know the interior was auctioned off recently…
It’s going to sound very, very quiet in Bristol when this constantly-rolling thunder finally stops.
@mhoulden Well, that’s okay, it’s normally raining in Gwent anyway :D
@christianrt Post Office in the back of the Co-Op on Baldwin Street.
It’d be a lot easier to mine twitter data for geotagged thunder and lightning tweets if people’s phones didn’t auto”correct” to “lightening”
@talkie_tim @archidave …pubs trying not to get any bloody wetter. And I had an anorak and a rainhat.
@talkie_tim @archidave Technically, I went to the Festival on Sat, but apart from watching the fireworks, most of it was spent in…
@talkie_tim @archidave A *lot* of people got caught out in the wrong clothes on Saturday, and the rain was pretty relentless.
*Turns the lights on*. Wow. Bit of a storm coming, do we thing, Bristol?
@xabl Teetering? I *breathe* that fine fucking edge. I *live* the way of the turdferret.
@xabl I think we both know that Malcolm fucking Tucker would’ve invented an awesome fucking phrase for it that acronymed as TURDFERRET.
@logopetria Funnily enough, I was just reading about why we do that in _The Willpower Instinct_…
Sketching out my new GTD strategy. Sadly, Get Something The Fuck Done for Fuck’s Sake, You Lazy Git doesn’t have as catchy an abbreviation.
@adamgasson Given that half of plugin updates are to fix security holes, I’m normally too scared *not* to update…
@adamgasson Ah, okay, not seen that problem myself…
@adamgasson It’s not gone un-clickable after you’ve done a drag-and-drop, has it?
@laurakalbag It’s their average page size divided by the x-height of their favourite font, measured in kilobytes per pixel.
(And I thought *I* had problems parking…)

Junap Ok, I thought having a 3d printer was pretty cool until I looked out the back window..pic.twitter.com/AOB78mJUd4d4
In other news, Britain gets a three-star rating on its ability to spell the word “hygiene” on Twitter.
@Phooto At least none of yours got a zero!
@Bristol52 I’d never heard of it before a friend took me there. The barman really knew his stuff.
@Bristol52 My favourite Old Fashioned in Bristol was had in The Colour Inn, round the side of Clifton Down shopping centre.
@fluffybex I think you’ve been hacked. Unless you really think I do need to lose some pounds for the summer. Which is probably fair enough..
Beer cam. Not sure why. @ The Ostrich Inn instagram.com/p/cT-iJ2pC1K/
@stillawake Much as I’d love to develop for Windows phone, it’s difficult to justify it, economically.
Here is a snap of one of the things from today’s @BristolHarbFest. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
Home. Wow. That seemed to take about three hours.
Harbour festival. instagram.com/p/cSKmaFpC6c/
@BinkysBoudoir There was a band?
At t’Grain Barge, reminiscing over time someone took me out to see fireworks from a boat in the harbour. D
Poised instagram.com/p/cR_-6ppC3d/
The victor. instagram.com/p/cR7u5qpC_W/
DAMN LOST AGAIN. instagram.com/p/cR7qkGpC_Q/
@liveindetail 10pm and dunno
Takeout from BrewDog. Not quite the same in plastic, but still good.
@dangusset Pocketful.

@asic69 We have some slower ones here, too. pic.twitter.com/t9D0qW7GK0
HMS Gay Archer instagram.com/p/cRjGGRpC0l/

Screw it. I’m going. Have dressed camera appropriately. pic.twitter.com/AS7lthPAVD
Looking out of the window and re-considering heading out to the Harbour Festival. Hrm.
@talkie_tim I’m not. But I will be soon.
@SarahPinborough Hashtaggery sounds much more naughty than it is. “My client would never indulge in such hashtaggery, m’lud.”
@Ninja_lynneja Given that I tend to think of the problem as a massive ball-ache, maybe that should be my approach, too…
That moment when you fumble the plectrum and it ends up inside the acoustic. *shakes upside-down guitar for half an hour*
fergieweather Good news is that any rain amounts into late afternoon/early eve @BristolHarbFest not looking bothersome & expected dry again by fireworks!
There are a couple of workers pressure-washing the suspension bridge “chains”. This does not look like a job for the height-averse.

In local Scouts charity shop. If I open this, I wonder how much scary will fall out? pic.twitter.com/P54GtJ7wMf
Not so tempted by option 414. instagram.com/p/cQ6n7BJC8H/

jjtokyo THIS. How to decide the order of authorship in an academic paper: pic.twitter.com/LwcQFRmR97 via @BioDataGanache
Ugh. Contact lens checkup in an hour. Still sitting here semi-conscious with sleepy eyes.
@waiyeehong @stillawake Ooh, so it does!
@mishcousin No. That clearly outlines the inherent risks of attempting to get up. Head for the middle of the bed and hold on.

_DavidSmith Particularly proud of the app name used by the notifier. pic.twitter.com/h7fLr8Jweh
@paulawhite_uk @JanieStamford Sailing hedgehog!
@O2 Any news on when the mast in the BS8 area that’s been down all day might be fixed? Ta!
“@JanieStamford: @gothick it is meant to look like a hedgehog, right? Or am I having a Rorschach moment?” Oh! instagram.com/p/cPeK1WJC9d/
10/10 for presentation :) @ Mud Dock Cafe instagram.com/p/cPeK1WJC9d/
At the Mud Dock. instagram.com/p/cPYuIbpC0M/
Luckily, the place I’m going turns out to be a “5”.
Booked a restaurant tonight, just before @rabidbee pointed me at the UK Food Hygiene ratings map. guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/…
@Trangofarm I don’t think they do voluntary, do they?
@KellySibson @mhoulden Yeah, but you run the risk of washing the whole thing away.
@wood5y Likewise!
.@mhoulden That one’s more like hemidemisemidetached.

Yes, CJ Hole, *technically* you might call that an end-of-terrace house. HOWEVER… pic.twitter.com/jF7HTqpvWp
@ahnlak Not permanently.
RT @teabass: @gothick I was about to suggest using Portals, but then I remembered this video: youtube.com/watch?v=MQBD3t… <— Poor kitty!

boredzo Every time that “her diary/his diary” image has come up in my timeline, I had an urge to do this. So here it is. i.imgur.com/PfNSgvQ.png
davemark Wow! Light stopped completely. Stopped. For a full minute. The basis of quantum memory…

Hrm. Might need to get a cat flap fitted into this. This isn’t going to be entirely straightforward, is it? pic.twitter.com/KH6lp0rRlj
@Malarkey Sort of works for me. Guess it’s because it’s a Flash video?
Capistrano is one of those tools that I find really hard to set up for a project, but is always worth it once it’s done.
Mocking things up.
@ahnlak They certainly are. bristolpost.co.uk/Parking-permit…
Finally got my first official communication about the Residents’ Parking Scheme.
@hayles …though the Sky Sports ones are so cumulatively irritating I just ordered the next two series through LoveFilm instead!
@hayles The only telly I’m watching at the moment is Stargate on Pick, and I’m mostly fastforwarding through the ads.
@YodelOnline If you follow me, I’ll give it a go.
@hayles Nope.
@hayles !?
Great. Nearest @O2 phone mast down yet again. Must be the third or fourth time this year…

BTQEZ World-first 3D pixelated sculpture of girl created by @lukejerram & unveiled at Temple Meads, Platform 3 today #btqez pic.twitter.com/ZilEFsr8Jj

Quality interaction design from Sainsbury’s there. pic.twitter.com/aDumTPE0Kb
Introducing my stepmum to @Lovelytart1. Normally she lives in Crete; don’t think she was expecting pavement cafe culture here, too :)
Just got a “while you were out” card through my door from @YodelOnline. Odd, as I was in. Luckily the delivery isn’t for me anyway.
@charlie_cat_esq If I re-tweet that, can I win something?
@MartinSketchley Ooooooh. And I’m in Devon at some point this month…
lingmops I’m coming to the conclusion that Top Gear is the modern Last of the Summer Wine

Not *completely* convinced I want to upgrade to this new version of @evernote. pic.twitter.com/1K5staMNgu
Catching up with Luther. Thought Alice couldn’t get any sexier; now she drives a Jensen Interceptor…
Spam summary: Teresa from Homeland Security wants me to join her in a threesome with my late uncle’s $43bn in a Customs office in Nigeria.
There’s a Geocities theme for Twitter Bootstrap :) news.bootswatch.com/post/468599176…
(Though I wonder what happens when drivers get accustomed to driving “over” small children on crossings…)
GeorgeFergusonx Great idea for crossings near #Bristol schools - amazing what can be done with a bit of paint and imagination: ow.ly/nhnP3
Another day, another thing that I’d quite like to do that requires the Apple Developer login system to be back up and running…
Home. Considering wheeling the big, comfy office chair into the garden and working there.
Per Ardua Ad Asdal #bristolmottoes
Albion. instagram.com/p/cJokKRpCyg/
Huzzah! instagram.com/p/cJkrsdpC-u/

Awaiting iced coffee. pic.twitter.com/v0PYJgdau4
Nice cool ferry to town. Now a drink at @SourdoughCafe, a look around the farmers’ market, and back home for the afternoon’s work.
Catching a lift into town with a Gromit. instagram.com/p/cJhIC_JC7d/
@hayles Idea for new British dress: the rainkini.
@OckhamsShotgun “We’re both human!” “Don’t flatter yourself.”
@WTF4Photography @benjohnbarnes NOT HELPING

Zeb_Bakes Might ask again just in case a nice gardening tweep knows what this flower is? pic.twitter.com/tSawqYX6Is
@Zeb_Bakes @gallopen484 Or possibly Helenium. Something Inulish, anyway. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elecampane
@Zeb_Bakes @gallopen484 My guess: Inula Britannica google.com/search?q=inula…
@Mouse_House Also, compared to when I went for a walk at lunchtime, it’s a lot cooler…
@Mouse_House I was passed by a few people running significantly faster, too. I’m never the most masochistic person out there…
What? I went for a jog, and a duchess had a baby? Wasn’t me, guv, honest.
@ChinaShopBull I made it. Though frankly, it might have been a relief.
@Kavey You might think that. I and my friend Kevin the Giant Rabbit couldn’t possibly comment.
@foxc I’m grateful on a few other days, too, mostly when I remember what walking up to a top floor flat used to be like :)
Bleurgh. Remind me why I do this “jogging” thing again? instagram.com/p/cFHipoJC0I/

Ooh. @getrunningapp’s iPhone version gets our shiny new logo :) (Thanks to artist Olaf Mayer!) pic.twitter.com/9iPMoL084K
High tide. instagram.com/p/cFDQuxpC9G/
So, I should probably go for a run. *Pokes finger out of window to check temperature* *Pulls back reddened stump*
@MarkSkinner_ Thanks, yes, some bits were rather familiar! :D
Since then, I’ve run more than 1,500 kilometres, and done the Bristol and Bath half marathons three times each.
On this day, in 2009, I took up jogging. mattgetsrunning.com/2009/07/22/sta…
Tell you what, Dave, how about you ban spam first, and then once that’s successful, you move onto porn?
@Padraig I’ve often thought, though, that programmers and lawyers have remarkably similar mindsets when it comes to arguments…
LoveFilm have cancelled their referrals-for-gifts scheme. On the plus side, I’d forgotten I’d joined, and have enough points for an iPod!
mrbrettkelly How the taser was named —hotword.dictionary.com/taser/2
Hrm. *Reboots overheated machine* Maybe I’ll wait until after the heatwave before I do that video stabilisation in Final Cut…
So, is there any way to get to the WWDC session videos while the Developer portal is down? Maybe someone should put them back on YouTube…
@Indiechops It’s, erm, very… Erm. Very. Yes.
Need to plan my next few days to avoid going out around noon. Right after I get home and wring my shirt out.
No, it’s not nicknamed the Chocolate Path because of its colour… :) instagram.com/p/cEbSPfJCzQ/
Oh, Bristol. instagram.com/p/cEbCORpCy7/
@says_arline It’s actually more the surface shape/pattern. Does look a bit like massive slab of Dairy Milk.
Ooh! Unexpected Gromit. @ Riverside Garden Centre instagram.com/p/cEVYiupC-O/
hayles “McDonald’s said it was unable to serve customers on horseback” bbc.in/1bVP1O3
sjgower @gothick “The bridge last swung in 1936, and has been a fixed structure since 1953” transportheritage.com/find-heritage-…
Ah! It did swing, but hasn’t since the 1930s. That would explain my not noticing… Thank@rabidbeee@sjgowere@wood5y5y
@rabidbee Permission to RT?

Ashton Swing Bridge? It *swings*? Or am I getting confused? #bristol pic.twitter.com/TJOuxOUgdN

JamesManning Bless. On the @guardian homepage, click the ‘Republican’ button to make all their royal coverage disappear pic.twitter.com/0NoViO74UA
stuarthoughton Worst. DooM level. Ever. instagram.com/p/cCFi5lLaBa/
@OpinionatedGeek Not since they re-did it and balled up their blog search thingy, years ago.

“@peterwallhead: BBC News - Would you trust a doctor in a T-shirt? bbc.in/1b2Ysxa” << With life, or with $20? pic.twitter.com/b6l4bu2w2H
@Kavey *Waves from bed*
@tweetbot I’d love it if a second click on an image in the Mac version would *close* the floating picture window, not open an identical one…
A moment from outside Renato’s last night. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@Thehappyfatgirl And possibly unconscious.
@Thehappyfatgirl You wouldn’t be the first. But historically, I need to be a lot drunker than that for it to happen.

My friend Paul introduced me to double-exposure mode on my LX3 last night. There may be subtext in his image choices. pic.twitter.com/gNgGJKi97P
King Street instagram.com/p/b9E2D0JC77/
I get quite confused when I mistake @bubalubristol for @Mubaloo in my timeline…
@SimpleLampoon Are you, er, sightseeing, by any chance?
@hannahnicklin I had a feeling your requirements might be non-trivial. Good luck with it :)
@RellyAB When I lose it, normally either right next to the DVD player, or in the kitchen, for no adequately-explained reason.
@hannahnicklin …a bluetooth remote would probably be the normal alternatives.
@hannahnicklin Yes; Airs don’t have an IR receiver, from what I understand. Apple Remote app on a phone or iPod Touch, or…
mrdaveturner As I searched through the Coke bottles trying to find one that said ‘Dave’, a man called Max laughed and picked up a bottle of Pepsi.
@Mouse_House @stillawake @jakepjohnson Should be any time noooooooooosadfjofjisadfpjfsdighhghghgjdfsssssshhhhhhmmmphBRAINSBRAAAAAAAINSBRAIII
@Mouse_House @stillawake @jakepjohnson Did nobody mention today’s zombie apocalypse to you guys? I thought you were on the list.
Tired bunny.

Today, I was mostly at work, with occasional bursts of Farmers’ Market-visiting. pic.twitter.com/4VGx582DgC
@logopetria *breaks jaw*
Off to lunch. instagram.com/p/b3X6_0pC_r/
@Souterain I wish!
@BrisPROSPECTUS Yeah. Not easy to get round on a bike, either, picking your way through the alternation of speedy and halted cars.
@Bristol52 Then again, the Hotwell Road near the Pump House has been improved, but still gets my vote.
@Bristol52 The crossing by the Beeb’s been improved, right? Sure there were actually pedestrian lights last time I was there…
@benjohnbarnes Finally remembered the *really* good font for demonstrating fonty smartness. Try playing with Zapfino. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zapfino
@BlackDogDays Camera Very Obscura
getrunningapp The @Oatmeal on running —theoatmeal.com/comics/runningxN (good luck on the 27th!).