Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 27th, 2013

Here is a snap of one of the things from today’s @BristolHarbFest.…

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Home. Wow. That seemed to take about three hours.

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At t’Grain Barge, reminiscing over time someone took me out to see fireworks from a boat in the harbour. D

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Takeout from BrewDog. Not quite the same in plastic, but still good.

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Screw it. I’m going. Have dressed camera appropriately.

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Looking out of the window and re-considering heading out to the Harbour Festival. Hrm.

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@SarahPinborough Hashtaggery sounds much more naughty than it is. “My client would never indulge in such hashtaggery, m’lud.”

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@Ninja_lynneja Given that I tend to think of the problem as a massive ball-ache, maybe that should be my approach, too…

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That moment when you fumble the plectrum and it ends up inside the acoustic. *shakes upside-down guitar for half an hour*

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fergieweather Good news is that any rain amounts into late afternoon/early eve @BristolHarbFest not looking bothersome & expected dry again by fireworks!

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There are a couple of workers pressure-washing the suspension bridge “chains”. This does not look like a job for the height-averse.

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In local Scouts charity shop. If I open this, I wonder how much scary will fall out?

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jjtokyo THIS. How to decide the order of authorship in an academic paper: via @BioDataGanache

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Ugh. Contact lens checkup in an hour. Still sitting here semi-conscious with sleepy eyes.

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@mishcousin No. That clearly outlines the inherent risks of attempting to get up. Head for the middle of the bed and hold on.

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