Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 30th, 2013

Looking forward to seeing all the parodies of The Sun’s front cover on Twitter tomorrow.

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@faerietalefoody I’m slightly surprised it’s not dispensing it yet, let alone spelling it.

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(I’m not actually at the Ostrich in the sunshine right now. I just hadn’t opened Instagram since Sunday…)

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Ostrichin’. @ The Ostrich Inn

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@Mouse_House I think I’m okay. Hard to tell at the moment.

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@Mouse_House Whuh? Gosh. I only turned my back for a minute. Sorry, Mouse. Big things can be easy to miss on here.

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@aedison Damn it! @thebatterymovie isn’t available in the UK yet… *puts on a list he’ll probably lose*

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@mikelloydjones It probably just means they don’t let people put in a formal application if they’re at all unsure.

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@rem It has an Open command? (Nay.)

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Note to self: taking a break from programming to read RSS doesn’t actually give your back a rest, idiot.

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